Lassen County Board of Supervisors

Chairman Aaron Albaugh
Vice Chairman Chris Gallagher
Michele Yderraga Deputy Clerk Of The Board
220 S Lassen St # 4,
Susanville, CA 96130
Phone: (530) 251-8333

City of Susanville
Lassen County

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Calfornia State Homepage

Lassen County Chamber of Commerce

1516 Main Street
PO Box 338,
Susanville, CA 96130
(530) 257-4323


County Demographics
Statewide emergency resources
Updated 6/26/2024

I Primary Emergency Providers

Lassen County Sheriff Office

Sheriff Dean Growdon
1415 Sheriff Cady Ln,
Susanville, CA 96130
Phone: (530) 257-6121

Lassen County Emergency Services

Silas Rojas Director
697-345 Highway 36
96130 Susanville , CA
(530) 257-8504

Sheriff 911 Dispatch

Angela Lewis PSAP
1415 Sheriff Cady Ln,
Susanville, CA 96130
(530) 257-6121

II Hospitals Ambulance Services Fire Departments
Other Emergency Service Providers

Banner Lassen Medical Center

1800 Spring Ridge Dr,
Susanville, CA 96130
Phone: (530) 252-2000

Northern California EMS, Inc.

Director Donna Stone
Medical Director: Jeffrey Kepple, MD
930 Executive Way, Suite 150
Redding, California 96002-0635
Phone: (530)229-3979
Fax: (530)229-3984

Susanville Fire Department
Fire Chief
Address: 1505 Main St,
Susanville, CA 96130
Phone: (530) 257-5152

Big Valley Fire Protection District

Fire Chief: David Leonard
100 Park St Bieber
California 96009

Clear Creek Fire Protection District

Ross Kassebaum, Interim Fire Chief
462-895 Clear Creek Drive
Westwood CA 96137
(530) 256-3096
Directory of All California Fire Departments
Directory Access 2023 Published By California State

Amerian Red Cross
Northern California Chapter
Robin Friedman - Regional Disaster Program Officer
2125 East Onstott Road
Yuba City, CA 95991
Phone: 530-673-1460

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Radio Reference Com Online

President Stan La Pointe K7NUU
Robert Cobb, K6JBH
146.880 MHz with a PL Tone of 91.5 Hz.
P O Box 27011
Susanville, CA 96127

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Sacramento Valley ARES

III Non Profit & Community Interest Organizations In Lassen County

United Way Of Northern California

Larry Olmstead President & CEO
2500 Floral Ave, Ste 20
Chico CA 95973

Salvation Army Susanville

Lieutenants Jeffrey & Kristin Boyd
1560 Main St
Susanville, CA 96130
(530) 257-0314

Lassen County Health and Social Service Agencies

Barbara Longo, Director
336 Alexander Ave
Susanville , CA
(530) 251-8128

IV Lassen County & City of Susanville

Lassen County Board of Supervisors

Michele Yderraga Deputy Clerk Of The Board
220 S Lassen St # 4,
Susanville, CA 96130
Phone: (530) 251-8333

City of Susanville

Quincy McCourt Mayor
66 N Lassen St,
Susanville, CA 96130
Phone: (530) 257-1000

Susanville Indian Rancheria

Tribal Administrator
Emergency Services
745 Joaquin St
Susanville, CA 96130
(530) 257-6264

V Public Utilities & Vital Resources

PG&E, Pacific Gas and Electric

Press On Image State Power Grid
P.O. Box 997300
Sacramento, CA 95899-7300
24-hour Power Outage Information Center

California Department of Education

Press On Image Directory School Districts
1430 N Street
Sacramento, CA 95814-5901
General: 916-319-0800

California Department of Health

Press On Image Directory Public Hospitals
PO Box 997377, MS 0500
Sacramento, CA 95899-7377
(916) 558-1784

California Department of Transportation

Press On Image Raillines
1120 N Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
General Information:
(916) 654-2852

California Highway Patrol

Commissioner Sean Duryee
601 N 7th St,
Sacramento, CA 95811
916) 843-3000

VI Radio and Television Stations & Airport

KJDX Radio 93 FM

Contact Form
3015 Johnstonville Road
Susanville, CA 96130
Office: (530) 257-2121
Office Fax: (530) 257-6955

Sierra Daily Times

Contact Form
3015 Johnstonville Road
Susanville, CA 96130
Office: (530) 257-2121
Office Fax: (530) 257-6955

Lassen County Times

Lassen News
100 Grand Ave.,
Susanville, CA 96130

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Radio Locator Com

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Sage Stage
108 S Main Street
Alturas, CA 96101
(530) 233-6410

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Susanville Airport
Steve Datama Airport Manager
471-920 Johnstonville Dr
Susanville, CA 96130
(530) 257-2030

VI Shasta CascadeEarthquake Hazards

Those who are lucky enough to live in the northernmost part of the state enjoy spectacular scenery and remote vistas. The Trinity Mountains, Modoc Plateau, Shasta and Lassen peaks show how the forces that created them are still shaping the landscape today. But no matter where you live in the Northern and Northeastern parts of the state, you live in earthquake country. Understanding the risks and preparing to survive and recover can help keep you and your family safe. The Shasta Cascade area may seem remote from the well-known faults in the state such as the San Andreas. It may be a surprise that almost everyone in the region lives within 20 miles of an active fault. The Modoc plateau is a region of both active volcanism and faulting and much of the northeastern part of the state is being stretched apart by basin and range faults. Residents could also be affected by very large earthquakes further away and closer to the coast. It doesn’t take much shaking to trigger landslides that can quickly block roads and highways, isolating the region.
Lassen Volcanic National Park
All four types of volcanoes found in the entire world are represented in Lassen Volcanic National Park— shield (Prospect Peak), plug dome (Lassen Peak), Cinder Cone (Cinder Cone), and Composite (Brokeoff Volcano) volcanoes.In August of 1916, Lassen Volcanic National Park was established. The park and Lassen Peak take their name from Peter Lassen, one of the first white settlers in the northern Sacramento Valley, who discovered of a route through the mountains called the Lassen Trail.

To see these volcanic sites, Lassen Volcanic National Park offers both summer and winter weather activities. With over 150 miles of hiking trails, both day hiking and backpacking are popular summer activities. Winter conditions often begin as early as October and persist through June or July making snow play, snowshoeing, and backcountry skiing great options for cold months.

VIII Maps of Lassen County City of Susanville

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City of Susanville Map

Lassen County Map

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Lassen County Map