Washington State Homepage

Members of Northwest Power Pool

NORTHWEST POWER POOL (NWPP) serves as a forum in the electrical industry for reliability and operational adequacy issues in the Northwest, through both the transition period of restructuring and the future. NWPP promotes cooperation among its members in order to achieve reliable operation of the electrical power system, coordinate power system planning, and assist in transmission planning in the Northwest Interconnected Area.

Northwest Power Pool

7505 NE Ambassador Place, Suite R
(503) 445-1078
fax (503) 445-1070

Members of Northwest Power Pool

It is a voluntary organization comprised of major generating utilities serving the Northwestern U.S., British Columbia and Alberta. Smaller, principally non-generating utilities in the region participate indirectly through the member system with which they are interconnected.

The Pool was originally formed in 1942, when the federal government directed utilities to coordinate operations in support of wartime production. NWPP activities are largely determined by major committees - the Operating Committee, the PNCA Coordinating Group, and the Transmission Planning Committee.

Alberta Electric System Operator

Calgary Place
2500, 330 - 5th Ave SW
Calgary, AB T2P 0L4
(403) 539-2450 (main reception)
Fax: (403) 539-2949

Alcoa Corporate Center

201 Isabella Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15212-5858
Phone:(412) 553-4545
Fax:(412) 553-4498

Avista Corp.

Corporate Communications
1411 E. Mission - MS18
P.O. Box 3727
Spokane, WA 99220-3727
Phone: 509.495.4817
Fax: 509.495.8725

BC Hydro

Corporate Office
333 Dunsmuir Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 5R3
1 800 224-9376

BC Transmission Corp

Suite 1100, Four Bentall Centre
1055 Dunsmuir Street
PO Box 49260
Vancouver, BC V7X 1V5
General inquiries
email: us@bctc.com

Bonneville Power Administration

BPA Headquarters: P.O. Box 3621
Portland, OR 97208-3621
905 NE 11th Ave
Portland, OR

Chelan Public Utilities District

1034 E. Woodin Ave
Chelan, WA 98816
Phone (509) 682-2581
Fax (509) 661-8136

Columbia Grid

8338 NE Alderwood Road, Suite 140
Portland, OR 97220

Cowlitz PUD

961 12th Avenue
P.O. Box 3007
Longview, WA 98632
General Inquiries
(360) 423-2210
WA toll-free 1-(800) 631-113


50 West San Fernando Street
San Jose, CA 95113
Fax: 408.995.0505

Deseret Generation & Transmission

10714 South Jordan Gateway, Suite
South Jordan,UT 84095

Douglas PUD

East Wenatchee Office
1151 Valley Mall Parkway
East Wenatchee, WA 98802
- 1-800-503-7990

Eugene Water and Electric Board

500 East 4th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97401


Head Office Suite 100, 1975 Springfield Road
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 7V7

Grant County Public Utility District

30 C Street SW,
P.O. Box 878, Ephrata WA 98823
(509) 754-0500
(800) 422-3199

Idaho Power Corporation

Barbara Smith
1221 W. Idaho St.
Boise, ID 83702-5627
(208) 388-2200

Northwest Energy

NorthWestern Corporate Office
125 S. Dakota Ave.
Sioux Falls, SD 57104-6403
605) 978-2908
Fax: (605) 978-2910

Pacific Power and Light

1033 NE 6th Ave
Portland, OR 97256-0001
PacifiCorp mailing address:
825 NE Multnomah
Portland, OR 97232

Pend Oreille Public Utility District

PO Box 190
130 N Washington
Newport, Washington 99156
509-446-3137 North County
509-242-3137 South County
FAX: 509-447-5824
Electronic mail information@popud.org

PNGC Power

711 NE Halsey
Portland, OR 97232-1268
Tel: (503)288-1234
Fax: (503)288-2334
Real-time Power Operations info:
Kathi VanderZanden, PNGC

Pacific Gas and Electric

7500 Old Georgetown Road
Bethesda, MD 20814-6161
301) 280-6800

Portland General Electric

121 SW Salmon Street
Portland, OR 97204
PGE Headquarters


1400 - 666 Burrard Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6C 2X8
Tel: 604.891.5000
Toll Free: 1.800.220.4907
Fax: 604.891.6060

Pudget Sound Energy

10885 NE 4th Street
P.O. Box 97034
Bellevue WA 98009-9734

Sacramento Municipal Utility District

6201 S St.,
Sacramento 95817
916 452-3211

Seabreeze Pacific

Seattle City Light

700 5th Avenue, Suite 3200
Seattle, WA 98104-5031

Snohomish County Public Utility District

2320 California Street
Everett, WA 98201

Sierra Pacific Power Company

Sierra Pacific Resources
6100 Neil Road
Reno, NV 89511
Switchboard: (775) 834-3600
Business Office: (800) 962-0399
Fax: (775) 834-4202

City of Tacoma Power

Tacoma Power-Energy Service
3628 S 35th Street
Tacoma, WA

2001 Generation (kWh)Capacity (kW)
Cushman No. 1 85,635,000 43,200
Cushman No. 2 145,503,000 81,000
Alder 157,261,000 50,000
LaGrande 243,719,000 64,000
Mayfield 431,458,000 162,000
Mossyrock 487,022,000 300,000
Wynoochee Project 26,455,000 12,800
Northeast Generator
124,403,000 48,000
TOTAL 1,701,456,000 761,000

Walla Walla County Public Works

P.O. Box 813
990 Navion Lane
Walla Walla, WA 99362
Phone: (509) 527-3241
FAX: (509) 527-3243
TDD: (800) 833-6388

Power Generation in
Washington State

Chelan Dam

Chelan County Public Utilities District
Lake Elevation Normal full pool = 1,100.0 ft
Minimum pool = 1,079.0 ft
Usable Storage (1,079.0 to 1,100.0) = 677,400 AF
Powerhouse Number of units. 2
Plant capacity (2 @ 24.0 MW) 8.0 MW
Hydraulic capacity. 2,016 cfs

Rocky Reach Dam

Chelan County Public Utilities District

Dam: Rocky Reach Dam.
Columbia River. River Mile 473.7
Constructed: 1961 (units 1-4);
additional units completed 1971
Owner: Chelan County PUD No. 1
Normal Full Pool: 707.0 feet
Normal Low Pool: 703.0 feet
Powerhouse Capacity:
Nameplate capacity 1: 7 @ 117 MW,
4 @ 132 MW, 1347 MW total
Peak capacity 1: 1287 MW total
Hydraulic capacity: 220 kcfs
Spillway: 12 gates

Rock Island Dam

Dam: Rock Island Dam
Columbia River. River Mile 453.4
Constructed 1: 1933, 6 additional units
completed 1953, Second
Powerhouse completed 1979
Owner: Chelan County PUD No. 1
Normal Full Pool: 613.0 feet
Normal Minimum Pool: 609.0 feet
Powerhouse Capacity 1:
First Powerhouse Nameplate
capacity: 3 @ 20.7 MW,
1 @ 15 MW, 6 @ 22.5, 212 MW total
Second Powerhouse Nameplate capacity:
8 @ 51.3 MW, 410.4 MW total
Total Nameplate capacity: 622.5 MW total
Peak capacity: 660 MW total
Hydraulic capacity: 220 kcfs
Spillway 1: 1184 feet, 31 gates

Douglas County PUD
email link
1151 Valley Mall Parkway
Wenatchee, WA 98802-4497

Wells Dam

Doulgas County Public Utilities District
Dam: Wells Dam
Columbia River. River Mile 515.8
Constructed: 1967
Owner: Douglas County PUD No. 1
Normal Operating Pool: 771.0-781.0 feet
Powerhouse Capacity:
Nameplate rating: 10 @ 77.43 MW, 774.3 MW total
Maximum capacity 1: 840 MW total
Hydraulic capacity: 220 kcfs

Grand Coulee Dam

US Breau of Reclamation
Dam: Grand Coulee Dam
Columbia River. River Mile 596.6
Constructed: 1942; modified
in 1974, 1982, and 1984
Owner: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Normal Full Pool: 1290.0 feet
Normal Minimum Pool: 1208.0 feet
Powerhouse Capacity:
Nameplate capacity1: 18 @ 125 MW, 3 @ 600 MW,
3 @ 805 MW, 6465 MW total
Station service units: 3 @ 10 MW, 30 MW total
Pump/Generator units1: 2 @ 50.0 MW, 4
@ 53.5 314 MW total
Hydraulic capacity: 280 kcfs
Spillway: 11 Drum Gates, 40 Outlet
Tubes (2 gates each outlet)

Lower Granite Dam

US Army Corp of Engineers
Dam: Lower Granite Dam.
Snake River. River Mile 107.5
Constructed: 1975 (units 1-3);
additional units 4-6 completed in 1978
Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Walla Walla District
Normal Operating Pool 1: 733.0-738.0 feet
Maximum Pool 1: 746.5 feet
Powerhouse Capacity:
Nameplate capacity: 6 @ 135 MW, 810 MW total
Overload capacity: 6 @ 155.3 MW, 932 MW total
Hydraulic capacity: 130 kcfs
Spillway: 512 feet, 8 gates

McNary Dam

US Army Corp of Engineers
Dam: McNary Dam. Columbia River. River Mile 292.0
Constructed: 1957; second powerhouse deauthorized 1991
Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District
Normal Operating Pool 1: 335.0-340.0 feet
Maximum Pool 1: 356.5 feet
Powerhouse Capacity:
Nameplate capacity: 14 @ 70 MW, 980 MW total
Overload capacity: 14 @ 80.5 MW, 1127 MW total
Station service units: 2 @ 3 MW, 6 MW total
Hydraulic capacity: 232 kcfs
Spillway: 1310, 22 gates

Chief Joseph Dam

US Army Corp of Engineers

Dam: Chief Joseph Dam.
Columbia River. River Mile 545.1
Constructed: 1961 (units 1-16),
1979 (units 17-27)
Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Seattle District
Full Pool: 956.0 feet
Minimum Pool: 930.0 feet
Powerhouse Capacity:
Nameplate capacity: 16 @ 64 MW, 11
@ 95 MW, 2069 MW total
Overload capacity: 16 @ 88.3 MW, 11
@ 109.3 MW, 2614 MW total
Station service units: 2 @ 3 MW, 6 MW total
Hydraulic capacity: 219 kcfs
Spillway: 980 feet, 19 gates

Lower Monument Dam

US Army Corp of Engineers

Dam: Lower Monumental Dam
Snake River. River Mile 41.6
Constructed 1: 1969 (units 1-3);
additional units 4-6 completed in 1981
Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Walla Walla District
Normal Operating Pool 2: 537.0-540.0 feet
Maximum Pool 2: 548.3 feet
Powerhouse Capacity:
Nameplate capacity: 6 @ 135 MW, 810 MW total
Overload capacity: 6 @ 155 MW, 930 MW total
Hydraulic capacity: 130 kcfs
Spillway 1: 572 feet, 8 gates

The Dalles Dam

US Army Corp of Engineers

Dam: The Dalles Dam.
Columbia River. River Mile 191.5
Constructed: 1960 (units 1-14);
1973 additional units 15-22 completed
Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Portland District
Full Pool: 160.0 feet
Minimum Pool: 155.0 feet
Powerhouse Capacity:
Nameplate capacity: 14 @ 78 MW, 8
@ 86 MW, 1780 MW total
Overload capacity: 14 @ 89 MW, 8
@ 99 MW, 2038 MW total
Fishwater units: 2 @ 14 MW, 28 MW total
Stations service units: 2 @ 3 MW, 6 MW total
Hydraulic capacity: 375 kcfs
Spillway: 1380 feet, 23 gates

Northwest Power Grid

Northwest Power Grid

Northwest Power Grid

Reginal Dams PDF