Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Chamber of Commerce 2013
Time: Thu, 18 Oct 2018 17:00:43 -0700
From: "Warren Zimmerman" wzimmerman@gigharborchamber.com
To: "'Chris Walters'"

View original HTML in new window (only use with messages from trusted senders) The information on your attachment is not current nor is the logo. The updated information is listed below:


Warren Zimmerman
Gig Harbor Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 102
3125 Judson St
Gig Harbor, WA 98335

I checked the link on your site and it is going to our website properly. If you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Regards, Warren Zimmerman

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies San Juan Chamber of Commerce 2018
Becki Day becki@sanjuanisland.org
Thu, Oct 18, 1:09 PM (19 hours ago)

The name is Becki Day
Our address has changed to 165 1st St. S./PO Box 98

Thank you,Becki Day
Executive Director
San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 98/165 1st Street S.
Friday Harbor, WA 98250

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Dayton Chamber of Commerce 2018
from: Chamber Director chamber@historicdayton.com
to: theyorkherald@gmail.com
date: Nov 1, 2018, 1:58 PM
subject: Re: Is your information correct and current?

I am replying for The Dayton Chamber of Commerce Our information is correct, however I would like to update our logo and photo for The Chamber, they are attached.

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Chamber of Commerce 2013
James Milner MilnerJ@fcphd.org
to: Ed Williams processserver2015@gmail.com
date: Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 8:38 AM
subject: RE: Question on emergency management insert for your organization?

Thanks for contacting us regarding the listed information. I can address the Chamber of Commerce and Search and Rescue information as well as the hospital district, since I am active in both those organizations too. All the information listed for the hospital district is correct.

The Chamber information is also correct, but with one minor change. Please change my email address from my work account (this one) to my personal account, which is milner@tigertown.biz For SAR, I am now the Vice President instead of Lee Chavez. You can list my number as 509-850-2500 and the same personal email address as above. Our new Information Officer (as of last night) is Sarah Wilson. I don�t know exactly what personal information she wants on the web, so I�ll withhold her number and email for now. Sam Jenkins might have a better answer for you on that topic.

I do have a couple of other corrections for you. Under the Emergency Management information you still have Pete Warner listed as Sheriff, instead of Ray. Also, Greg Palmier is no longer at the SO. I believe that Tom Williams would be the correct person for HS, but you can confirm that information with Ray. At the bottom of the page where you list news, that information is completely outdated. I know that the News-Miner no longer exists, and I fairly sure that�s also true of the Tamarac Press. Our local newspaper now is the Ferry County View. Their website is www.ferrycountyview.com and their number is 509-775-2425.

I hope that helps out. Thanks for your efforts in compiling all this information in one convenient location.

Jim Milner, Ferry County Public Hospital District #1, (509) 775-8308
IT Assistant & Webmaster
Ferry County Public Hospital District #1
36 Klondike Road | Republic, WA 99166
tel (509) 775-8308

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Chamber of Commerce 2015
Gena Wales gena@bremertonchamber.org<.br> to: ca w infrastructureprotectionuk@gmail.com
date: Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 3:27 PM
subject: RE: Question on emergency management link to your organization?

Correction for the Bremerton Chamber of Commerce. Mike Strube is no longer here. Please change to Gena Wales. Our logo is different also, it�s the one below.

Thanks, Gena Wales
Bremerton Chamber of Commerce

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Goldendale Chamber of Commerce 2015
Goldendale Chamber info@goldendalechamber.org
to: Ed Williams processserver2015@gmail.com
date: Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 9:52 AM
subject: Re: Question on emergency management link to your organization

Goldendale Chamber website looks ok, however we are about 4 weeks out from releasing a new website.

Earlene Sullivan, Executive Director
Greater Goldendale Area Chamber of Commerce
903 E Broadway
Goldendale WA 98620

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Chamber of Commerce 2013

From: Milner, James J MilnerJ@fcphd.org
to: ichoosetoserve@gmail.com
date: Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 4:38 PM
subject: RE: Contact from website

Chris, first of all thank you for assembling this information, and for contacting us about it. I do have a few corrections for you. I�ll address the hospital listing first, followed by other items about which I have information.

In the Ferry County Hospital listing:

v It should say Republic Medical Clinic rather than Memorial

v The Curlew Medical Clinic is at 9 Kettle River Road (not 5)

v The Curlew zip code is 99118

Other observations concerning the two pages:

v I�m unsure why the Okanagan Douglas Hospital is listed next to ours, as Brewster a good distance from Ferry County.

v Similarly, Kettle Falls shouldn�t be featured prominently at the top of both pages, as it is in Stevens County. Republic is the Ferry County seat. The Republic Chamber of Commerce website is at www.republicchamber.org and our mailing address is PO Box 502, Republic, WA 99166. I just took office as President of the Chamber, so I can answer any other questions you might have on this topic.

v Regarding FCSAR, Steve Anthes is still the Information Officer, but Sam Jenkins is the President and we have a new Vice-President too. Steve can provide any information about SAR.

v The Republic School District information needs updating also. Kyle Rydell is now the Superintendent. I�m sure the district office could provide other updates too. v Finally, I notice that there is no listing for the Republic or Curlew EMS. Both towns have their own organizations, and it would be good to include them. I�m sure the Sheriff�s office could provide contact information for them. Or, if you would prefer, I could gather that information and get back to you later.

Again, thanks for your efforts. Please contact me directly if I can be of any further assistance.

Jim Milner
IT Assistant & Webmaster
36 Klondike Rd
Republic, WA 99166
(509) 775-3333 x340

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Chamber of Commerce 2013

from: Kettle Falls Chamber of Commerce
reply-to: kettlefallscoc@dashwireless.net
to: Chris Walters ichoosetoserve@gmail.com
date: Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 9:31 AM
subject: re: Emergency management link to your website correct?


My name is John Tyra and I am the currant President of the Kettle Falls Area Chamber of Commerce of Stevens County. I would like to have removed from the Kettle Falls Chamber of Commerce ad, "Carol Bezold" as President and replace it with "Public Contact" .

That way nothing needs to be changed every year or so. Also Our website address could be added and the Chamber members are listed there. That address is: http://kettle-falls.com/chamber-of-commerce

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Best regards,John Tyra - President
Kettle Falls Area Chamber of Commerce

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Chamber of Commerce 2005

From: Calandra Childers
To: "Chris Walters"
Subject: RE: Link to Renton Chamber of Commerce?
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2005 16:35:57 -0700

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the heads up. Please note for the King County page that our new President/CEO is Bill Taylor, who can be reached at btaylor@renton-chamber.com. In addition, I didn�t see our information on the Washington State Page.

Also, for your information, our new webpage is www.GoRenton.com. While our old site links to the new one currently, it will not always do so.

Calandra Childers
Director of Communications and Events
Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce
425-226-4560, ext. 11

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Chamber of Commerce 2006

Addressed to; Nims2006@gmail.com
Dated 8-4-2006
Goldendale Chamber
Delete PO Box
New mail address: 903 E Broadway

Thanks ggcc@gorge.net
From: "jennifero"
Subject: Link to Redmond Chamber of Commerce?
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:00:57 -0800
To: "Chris Walters"

Hi Chris-

I just checked out your link at the geocities and noticed that you have the incorrect information for the Redmond Chamber. Could you please change it to show that Christine Hoffmann is our CEO/President?

Thanks! J

Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 11:19:01 -0700
From: "jennifero"
To: "Chris Walters"
Subject: RE: Link to Redmond Chamber of Commerce?

Hi Chris-

Thanks! We are also getting ready to launch a brand new website on Monday under the same address, www.redmondchamber.org.

Thanks! J

Jennifer Otis
Director of Business Development
PO Box 628
Redmond, WA 98073
(425) 885-4014 Phone
(425) 882-0996 Fax

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Chamber of Commerce 2004

Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 14:07:28 -0800
From: Lyndie Nguyen

Subject:Emergency Management Insert
Organization: Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com
Reply Lyndie@spokanevalleychamber.org

In response to your email:

The Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce information is below:

Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce
Contact: Eldonna Gossett,
President & CEO
8817 E Mission, Ste B
Spokane Valley, WA 99212
Fax: (509) 924-4992
Toll Free: 1-866-475-1436

If you need any further information on the chamber please let me know. Also, I would recommend you contact the city of Spokane Valley and get their updated information. The Mayor is Mike DeVleming. The Spokane Valley is the 8th largest city in Washington State. Their phone number is (509) 921-1000 and their fax number is (509) 921-1008.

Also, If you need information on the city of Liberty Lake or Millwood let me know. Our Chamber covers those cities as well.


Lyndie Nguyen
Office Manager
Spokane Valley
Chamber of Commerce
Fax: (509)924-4992

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 13:50:50 -0700
From: Don Skone

Subject: RE: Ok to link to your homepage?
To: chrissaidthanks2004@lycos.com


Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 11:40:58 -0800
From: Bob Wicks

Subject: RE: Question?
To: emprojects@lycos.com

Chris - I don't mind the link, however, the Kirkland Chamber is currently not involved in emergency management, so I'm not sure what the connection is.

Bob Wicks Executive Director
Kirkland Chamber of Commerce

Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 13:54:52 -0800
From: Willapa Harbor Chamber of Commerce

To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

I think the only change would be to add the PO Box for mailing purposes. General statistics can be reviewed at http://www.co.pacific.wa.us/geninfo.htm Thank you.

Willapa Harbor Chamber of Commerce
(360) 875-5231
PO Box 1249,
South Bend, WA 98586

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 15:02:38 -0800
From: Louise Fendrich

Subject: Question?
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

Our Suite number has changed from 400 to 100. Other than that, the information is correct.

Louise Fendrich
eCommunications Manager
Spokane Regional Chamber of Commerce
(509) 624-1393

Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 14:34:12 -0800
From: Sue Golman

Subject:RE: [STA-Maybe-Spam] Question?
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

Looks good for the Spokane Valley.

Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 18:33:53 -0800
From: Jennifer LaChance

Subject: Question?
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

looks fine.
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 11:02:48 -0800
From: Newport / Oldtown C of C

To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

Only one change that I can see. On the heading, under the Washington State Flag, it should be Newport, not New Port
Diane Gerking, Office Manger
Newport-Oldtown Chamber of Commerce
From: Courtney Prather

To: Chris W
Subject:OK link to your homepage?
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 13:55:24 -0700

That is fine. You might also view and link www.4people.org as they are a community resource directory for 8 counties.

Courtney Prather
Business Development & Marketing
Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce
Please Visit our Web Site:

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 10:41:31 -0800
From: Terri Tweedell

Subject: Question?
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

yes it is correct
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2004 08:09:04 -0800
From: Summer Johnson

Subject:RE: Question?
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com
Reply: visitorinfo@willapabay.org

Thank you for contacting us. Actually, the Raymond and South Bend Chambers have merged into one. It is now called the Willapa Harbor Chamber of Commerce and has all of the same contact info as the former South Bend chamber. Please let me know if you need any more information from me.

Thank you again!
Summer Johnson
Willapa Bay Organization
408 2nd Street
Raymond, WA 98577
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 14:54:09 -0700
From: Theresa Shields

Subject: FW: Ok to link to your homepage?
To: chrissaidthanks2004@lycos.com

That is fine - thank you!

Theresa Shields, Communications
and Technology Coordinator
Greater Yakima Chamber of Commerce
Phone (509) 248-2021
Fax (509) 248-0601
From: SJI Chamber of Commerce chamber@sanjuanisland.org
To: Chris W
Subject:Re: Link to your homepage?
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 13:54:35 -0800

I don't see the San Juan Chamber of Commerce web site linked to your site. I found the San Juan County site.

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 13:31:21 -0800
From: Carla Skinner

To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

The information for Spokane EDC is correct, with the exception of the email address, which is now: edc@spokaneedc.org. Thank you.

Carla Skinner
Assistant to the President
Spokane Area Economic
Development Council
Phone 509-363-6821
Fax 509-624-3759
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 09:39:49 -0800
From: Jennie Dickinson

Subject: Question?
Organization: Dayton Chamber of Commerce
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

Most of the info is fine with a few changes:

I believe the Port of Columbia email to be different. The email I have for them is portoc@columbiainet.com

Also, Inland Counseling Network is a large social service agency located in our community. Phone number is 509-382-2527. I have no email for them.

Columbia REA is the only public utility that I am aware of here. I don't know why the other one is listed on your page. Pacific Power is the private company that services our area.

Please feel free to copy any pictures from my website for your use. It would be better to have a picture of Columbia County on your page than whatever other picture is there now! My website is www.historicdayton.com

Hope that helps!

Jennie Dickinson Executive Director
Dayton Chamber of Commerce
166 E. Main or P.O. Box 22
Dayton, WA 99328
Fax: 509-382-1969