Emergency Management Replies 2019

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Garfield County Emergency Management Janruary 2019
From John Hirsch Director
Garfield Co. Emergency Management
To caw@afterdarkportal.net
Date Today 18:44


The only correction I see that needs to be made for Garfield County to the comprehensive emergency management directory for Washington State, is to Change The Emergency Manager. It should be John Hirsch, PO box 885 509-843-3494

John Hirsch Director
Garfield Co. Emergency Management

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Okanogan Fire Department Janruary 2019
From Jerod Gavin
To caw@afterdarkportal.net
Date Today 03:18

Yep it is correct. Thank you for checking.

Jerod Gavin
Okanogan Fire Chief

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Bainbridge Island Fire Department Janruary 2019
From Janine Courtemanche
Community Risk Reduction Coordinator
Bainbridge Island Fire Department
8895 Madison Ave. NE
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
Office: (206) 451-2031
jcourtemanche@bifd.org, www.bifd.org

Hello Mr. Walters,

Please refer to our website for updated Fire Station photos and our "contact us" information: www.bifd.org Butch Lundin retired several years ago; please remove his contact information.

Thank you,

Janine Courtemanche
Community Risk Reduction Coordinator
Bainbridge Island Fire Department
8895 Madison Ave. NE
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
Office: (206) 451-2031
jcourtemanche@bifd.org, www.bifd.org

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Coos County Emergency Management Janruary 2019
From Michael Murphy
Date Today 22:09

Looks good to me. General, but the necessary info is there for use when needed.

Michael Murphy, Program Manager
Coos County Emergency Management
Coos County Sheriff's Office
250 N. Baxter
Coquille, Oregon 97423
cell 541-404-5385
Fax 541-396-1014

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Kittias County Fire District 1 Janruary 2019
From Brandon Schmidt Chief
Kittitas County Fire District 1
509 964 243


Under KCFD#1, my cell # is 509 679 8328. DJ Evans is not in charge of any agency, he is listed as in charge of PHD#2 on your list. Thanks.

Brandon Schmidt Chief
Kittitas County Fire District 1
509 964 2435

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Kittitas Valley Fire Rescue Janruary 2019
To caw@afterdarkportal.net
Date Today 19:05

Mr. Walters:

How does one retire from being an author? Doesn't the need to write always remain?

Both of the portals you sent were for Klickitat County, not Kittitas County. However, I went in through another portal and you have the correct phone numbers b ut our address is now 400 East Mountain View for Headquarters. The 102 North Pearl Station is no longer ours, we gave that back to the City of Ellensburg for the police department to use.

John Sinclair, Fire Chief
Emergency Manager
Kittitas Valley Fire Rescue
400 East Mountain View
Ellensburg, WA 98926
24/7 Phone-509-856-7714

Emergency Management Replies 2018

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Skagit County Fire District #17 October 2018
On Thu, 18 Oct 2018 10:00:15 -0700,
"Fire, Guemes" gfire@guemesfire.org

Skagit County Fire district #17 information is correct

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Pierce County ARES October 2018
Time: Fri, 19 Oct 2018 09:06:43 -0700
From: Stan Nelson dist5dec@gmail.com
To: publisherem@runbox.com


Our web site has all the correct information, www.piercecountyares.net If you would need more please give me a call

253 381 5230

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Sedro-Wooley Fire Dept October 2018
Thu, 18 Oct 2018 15:14:12 +0000
From: Dean Klinger dklinger@ci.sedro-woolley.wa.us
To: 'Chris Walters' afterdarkportal@runbox.com

The address is wrong for the fire department it is the same as city hall 325 Metcalf Street, Sedro-Woolley but everything else looks good.

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Pacific County-Dead Person of 2018
Time: Fri, 19 Oct 2018 19:40:08 +0000
From: Scott McDougall smcdougall@co.pacific.wa.us
To: "afterdarkportal@runbox.com" afterdarkportal@runbox.com
CC: Andy Seaman aseaman@co.pacific.wa.us
Scott Johnson sjohnson@co.pacific.wa.us


I would be happy to answer any questions you may have, but I will not click on an unsolicited link such as you have provided. Please feel free to reach out by phone or to ask any questions you may wish to ask in an email without the link.

Scott McDougall, KG7NNP

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
South Pend Oreille Fire and Rescue October 2018
Fri, 19 Oct 2018 18:58:54 +0000 (UTC)
From: scott@spofr.org
To: Chris Walters publisherem@runbox.com

There are some changes needed to South Pend Oreille Fire and Rescue... Who should myself or chief Nokes send the info to

Capt Scott Doughty

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
South Pend Oreille Fire and Rescue October 2018
Brandi (Hannah) Eison
Emergency Management Coordinator
Quinault Indian Nation
360-276-8215 ext. 1015

Good afternoon sir,

Our police chief is currently Mark James, 360-276-8215 ex 8111. We don’t have a public works director at the moment. I am the new Emergency Management Coordinator and my number is 360-276-8215 ex 1015. Hope this helps, any other questions feel free to ask.

Emergency Management Replies 2015-2018

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Spokane Valley Fire October 2018
Spokane Valley Fire Dept.
Wed, Oct 10, 3:12 PM (22 hours ago)
To afterdarkportal@runbox.com

Hello Chris:

Your message was forwarded to me for follow up. What specifically are you seeking?

Thank you,
Melanie Rose, APR
Community Affairs Officer
Spokane Valley Fire Department

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
King County 2015

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
East Valley Fire Dept June, 2015
Michael Riel evfdmriel@ycfd4.org
to: ca w infrastructureprotectionuk@gmail.com
date: Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 12:41 PM
subject: RE: Emergency management link to your organization correct?

Chief Mike Riel
East Valley Station 40 (Not Terrace Heights Station)
2003 Beaudry Rd (Not 407 Commonwealth)
Yakima WA 98901
Fax 509-457-0373

Emergency Management Replies 2015

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Klickitat County FD #1 April 2015
Charles Virts chief@kcfd3.com
to: Ed Williams processserver2015@gmail.com
Here is the updated and correct information for KCFD3

Klickitat County FPD #3
Chief Charles Virts
email: chief@kcfd3.com
Headquarters Station
200 Husum St.
PO Box 151
Husum, WA 98623
Fax 509.493.1296

I also noticed that the information for the Klickitat County Ambulance is incorrect. The ambulance service is now run through Klickitat County EMSD1. I will get the correct information and forward it to you later today. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Central Pierce Fire Dept
Amy Jackson ajackson@centralpiercefire.org
To: 'maddogwalters@inbox.com'
Apr 15, 2015, 11:10 AM

Hi Chris,

Our information is correct except for the fax #. Correct fax # is 253.537.7294. Thanks!

Amy Jackson
Central Pierce Fire & Rescue
Prevention & Education
902 7th Street NW
Puyallup, WA 98371

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Pacific County April 2015
Stephanie Fritts sfritts@co.pacific.wa.us
to: Ed Williams processserver2015@gmail.com
Date: Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 12:26 PM
subject: RE: Question on emergency management link to your organization

Current information for Pacific County Emergency Management Agency:

Pacific County Emergency Management Agency
PO Box 27
South Bend, War 98586
Phone: 360-875-9338 or 360-642-9338
Fax: 360-875-9342 or 360-642-9342

New logo attached.


Emergency Management Replies 2015

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Jefferson County Emergency Mgt 2015
Lonnie Click Lonnie@bentonone.org
to: Ed Williams processserver2015@gmail.com
date: Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 7:41 AM
subject: RE: The Corrections you requested should be online


Thank you very much. It looks outstanding.

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Oceanshore Fire Department
Steve Mansfield Steve.Mansfield@lewiscountywa.gov
to: "processserver2015@gmail.com" processserver2015@gmail.com
date: Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 8:38 AM
subject: Lewis County DEM updates

Updates for Lewis County WA

Emergency Management :

Manager Steve Mansfield (Ross McDowell is gone)

Address: 351 NW North Street Chehalis WA 98532

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies FromKlickitat County April 2015
Robert Allen roberta@klickitatcounty.org
to: Ed Williams processserver2015@gmail.com
date: Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 9:25 AM
subject: Re: Question on emergency management link to your organization

Mr Williams,

We have made a few changes since the last time your information was updated. The Emergency Management Department has moved, has a new director, and has new phone numbers. The Director is now Jeff King, the new address is 199 Industrial Way Goldendale, WA 98620, and the phone number is 509-773-0570, fax 509-773-0362.

The 911 Center is now part of the Emergency Management Department and has a new address and phone numbers. The new address is 199 Industrial Way Goldendale, WA 98620, the new phone number for Robert Allen is 509-773-0579, fax 509-773-0362.

Thank you, Robert Allen
Klickitat County Emergency Management
Operations Manager

Emergency Management Replies 2015

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Jefferson County Emergency Mgt 2015
Bob Hamlin bhamlin@co.jefferson.wa.us
to: Ed Williams processserver2015@gmail.com
date: Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 4:29 PM
subject: RE: Question on emergency management link to your organization?

Some changes you may wish to note for the Jefferson County Emergency Management information:

1. The Program Manager title has been changed to Director.

2. The staff positions noted no longer exist. Those positions change often.

3. The business phone number has been changed to 360.385.9368

4. Address and after hours numbers are the same.

5. If you wish, you may also show our official logo (attached as a small .jpg)

Regards, Bob Hamlin
Robert W. Hamlin, Director
Jefferson County Dept. of Emergency Management
81 Elkins Road, Port Hadlock, WA 98339
My office direct: 360.344.9729
- My cell: 360.460.0500 (urgent contact only please)
Emergency Operations Center:
360.385.9368 when activated

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Oceanshore Fire Department
Tom Lique tlique@osgov.com
to: Ed Williams processserver2015@gmail.com
date: Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 9:27 AM
subject: RE: Question on emergency management link to your organization

Mr. Williams

I was reviewing your information on the Ocean Shores Fire Department and noticed that the address has not been updated since we moved headquarter buildings. New address is 585 Point Brown Ave NW, Ocean Shores WA 98569. Phone and Fax numbers are correct. The new URL for the fire department’s website is http://osgov.com/Fire.html this is a site under construction but should be coming alive soon.


Tom Lique, Fire Chief
Ocean Shores FD

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Beenton County Fire District 1
Lonnie Click Lonnie@bentonone.org
to: Ed Williams processserver2015@gmail.com
date: Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 11:39 AM


I was reviewing the website that you have been updating and it is very informative. I did notice a couple things that were incorrect and that I didn’t quite understand. In the Benton Fire District #1 link site, I’m not sure what the station 4, station 80 and station college place are insinuating in the lower left of the page, there is no affiliation with those locations and Benton Fire District #1 other than Bob Gear was the chief here back in 2007. We do have 6 fire stations and not sure if you want those listed with addresses in that corner. The second thing I noticed was our address is now 7511 West Arrowhead Avenue, Kennewick 99336. The last couple things I noticed were that Hanford Fire and Benton County Fire District #6 have different fire chiefs.

Thank you for the work put into updating the web sites,

Lonnie E. Click Fire Chief
Benton County Fire District #1

"Volunteer and Career Firefighters Serving Professionally"

Emergency Management Replies 2015

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Clark County Fire and Rescue 2015
Ben Peeler b.peeler@northcountryems.org
10:47 AM to me To processserver2015@gmail.com


I am not sure who this is going to but Dennis Mason from Clark Co. Fire and Rescue brought this to my attention. Please note there are updates for North Country EMS and also I see Clark County Fire District 13 is not reflected on your site. I am the chief for both entities. FD13 web site is www.clarkfire13.org. Please let me know what additional information you may need.

Thank you,Ben
Ben Peeler
EMS and Fire Chief

“Don't train until you get it right, train until you can't get it wrong." -Author Unknown

North Country EMS & Clark County Fire District 13
404 S. Parcel Ave.
PO Box 172
Yacolt, WA 98675
(360) 686-3271 Office

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Sent from my iPhoneCasey, Roger M CaseyRM@nwmedstar.org
to: Ed Williams processserver2015@gmail.com
date: Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 12:08 PM
subject: Re: Question on emergency management insert for your organization?

Everything looks good for the MwdStar contact except my name is Roger Casey - Not Richard. Rogers

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Phil Jurmu phil.jurmu@ci.longview.wa.us>
to: Ed Williams processserver2015@gmail.com
date: Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 11:50 AM
subject: RE: Question on emergency management insert for your organization?

Information located on page is correct. If you can, please add our logo in place of the fire engine.

Thank you!
Chief Phil Jurmu
Longview Fire Department

Emergency Management Replies 2013/2015

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies Cowlitz County FD March 2015

From: Bill LeMonds Interim Fire Chief
Too EWA processserver2015@gmail.com
March 29,2015

Eric Koreis is no longer with Cowlitz 6.

Bill LeMonds
Interim Fire Chief
Cowlitz County Fire District #6

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies Clark County March 2015

Dan Yager Dan.Yager@clarkfr.org
to: "processserver2015@gmail.com"
date: Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 10:04 AM
subject: FW: Question on emergency management insert for your organization?
Clark County Fire & Rescue
Dennis Mason (Fire Chief)
Dan Yager (Assistant Chief)
Shaun Ford (EMS Division Chief)


Station 151
Fairgrounds Public
Safety Complex
505 NW 179th Street,
Ridgefield, WA 98642
(360) 397-2110
FAX: (360) 397-2093

Delete: NOTE: This is another FD in Clark County but not ours.
NOTE: It would be nice if the stations were in numerical order. Thanks Dan

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies Klickitat EMA 2013
From: Robert Allen
to: Chris Walters ichoosetoserve@gmail.com
date: Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 11:02 AM
subject: RE: Is the emergency management link to your website ok?


Klickitat County 911 Communications is no longer part of the Sheriff’s Office. We have been reassigned to Klickitat County Department of Emergency Management, under Director Ed Powell. Our address and telephone numbers are the same.

Thank you,

Robert Allen
Klickitat County Department of Emergency Management
Operations Manager

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies Grays Harbor 2013

From: GHCDEM ghcdem@co.grays-harbor.wa.us
to: Chris Walters ichoosetoserve@gmail.com
date: Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 11:57 AM
subject: RE: Updated URL for state wide emergency services directory


Just a note – For Grays Harbor County – GHFD #11 The new chief is: Interim Fire Chief Charles Wallace The new phone number is (267) 259-0397

Also, the terrorist activities helicopter shooting…isn’t that a bit overboard? I would think others would be offended, especially with a concern with violence.

Chuck Wallace

Charles T Wallace
Deputy Director of Emergency Management
Grays Harbor County
310 W. Spruce Street,
Montesano WA 98563
(360) 249-3911 x 290

Emergency Management Replies 2013

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies City Federal Way 2013
From: Ray Gross Ray.Gross@cityoffederalway.com
To: "ichoosetoserve@gmail.com" ichoosetoserve@gmail.com
date: Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 8:04 AM
subject: Federal Way

Hello Chris Walters,

My name is Ray Gross and I am the Deputy Emergency Manager for the City of Federal Way. An email was sent to my council asking about web site information etc. I would be happy to provide any information concerning the City’s emergency management program. Please in the future contact me directly concerning this type of information request.

Ray Gross, CEM,
Deputy Emergency Manager
Federal Way Emergency Management

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies Lake Forest Fire Dept 2013
from: Dennis Peterson dpeterson@ci.lake-forest-park.wa.us
to: Chris Walters ichoosetoserve@gmail.com
date: Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 11:09 AM
subject: Automatic reply: Is the emergency management link to your website correct?

I am officially retired and will not be responding to department emails. All emails should be directed to Interim Chief Kent Baxter at ( kbaxter@ci.lake-forest-park.wa.us)

Thank You

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies Bremerton Fire Dept 2013
From: Michael Six Michael.Six@ci.bremerton.wa.us
to: Chris Walters ichoosetoserve@gmail.com
date: Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 3:29 PM
subject: RE: Is the emergency management link to your website correct?

City of Bremerton correct phone number is 360.473.5380


Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies Renton Emergency
Management 2013
From:Deborah Needham DNeedham@rentonwa.gov
to: "ichoosetoserve@gmail.com" ichoosetoserve@gmail.com
Date: Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 3:59 PM
Subject: Emergency management link ok?

Chris, your email was forwarded to me. All emergency management contacts for our entire county can be accessed through Washington State Emergency Management Division (www.emd.wa.gov). For Renton the Office of Emergency Management is located within the Fire and Emergency Services Department, and can be accessed through the main department phone number. 425-430-7000. Other public safety and emergency services for Renton (including traditional police and fire) are all accessed through 911. We do not offer or require people use a non-emergency number to reach them.

Deborah Needham
Emergency Management Director

Emergency Management Replies 2013

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Grant County 2013
From: Lisa Caldwell
to: afterdarkportal2013@gmail.com
cc: "Leanne J. Peters" Leanne_Peters@co.columbia.wa.us
date: Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 6:51 PM
subject: Columbia County Washington Information Correction

Columbia County Emergency Management:

Information has changed to:

Columbia County Department of Emergency Services

This includes: Emergency Management and Communications & Dispatch - Remove Communications and Dispatch from the Sheriff’s Office E911 Director and Emergency Manager –Change from Bill Peters to Lisa Caldwell Phone number 382-3928 Direct 24 hour # 382-2518

Columbia County Fire District #3 Remove County Coordinator Kris Darby – Replace with Fire Chief Rick Turner Remove Cell phone number

Commissioners Remove Richard W. Jones – Replace with Mike Talbot

Port of Columbia Manager – Remove Gene Turner – Replace with Jennie Dickinson

Lisa Caldwell Director
Columbia County Emergency Management
Columbia County Public Safety Communications
Office: 509-382-3928
Cell: 509-629-2987
Fax: 509-382-4724

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Vancouver
Fire Department 2013

From: Lawry, Chad
to: "ichoosetoserve@gmail.com"
cc: "Fung, Alan" Alan.Fung@cityofvancouver.us
date: Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 8:56 AM
subject: RE: Is the emergency management link to your website correct?


The link is correct however there are several corrections - names, phones, addresses…

Vancouver Fire Dept
Fire Chief Joe Molina
7110 NE 63rd Ave,
Vancouver, WA 98661
PO Box 1995
Vancouver, WA 98668
Fax: (360) 487-7212
(360) 487-7227

Deputy Chief Dan Olson
Emergency Services
Tamera J. Kihs Position eliminated
Emergency Management Coordinator
(360) 619-1241
Jay Getsfried EMS Administrator
Heidi Scarpelli Fire Marshal
Station 5
7110 NE 63rd St.
Station 1
900 W. Evergreen Blvd.
Station 8
213 NE 120th Ave
Station 3
1110 N. Devine
Station 6
3216 NE 112th Ave.
Station 2
400 E. 37th St
Station 7
12603 NE 72nd Ave.
Station 4
6701 NE 147th Ave.
Station 9
17408 SE 15th St

Chad Lawry | Deputy Fire Marshal

Fire Department - Office of the Fire Marshal
P.O. Box 1995 • Vancouver, WA 98668-1995
P: 360.487.7237| F: 360.487.7237 (after messa

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Reply From City of Seattle 2013
From: Graff, Barb
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 9:49 AM
To: Kodani-Lee, Nancy
Cc: Nelson, Laurel; OEM_Staff
Subject: FW: Is the emergency managment link to your website ok?


Quite a bit of our emergency management information on his site is out of date. Would you contact him and correct that?


Barb Graff
Seattle Office of Emergency Management
105 Fifth Ave S., Suite 300
Seattle, WA 98104

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies City of Bothell 2013
from: Jennifer Warmke
to: Chris Walt
cc: Henry Simon Henry.Simon@ci.bothell.wa.us
Laura Wood Laura.Wood@ci.bothell.wa.us
date: Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 11:17 AM
subject: Re: Is the emergency management link to your website correct?

The correct link for the City of Bothell should be as follows:

http://www.ci.bothell.wa.us/CityServices/ PublicSafety/EmergencyPreparedness.ashx?p=1347

Thank you!
Jennifer Warmke
Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
City of Bothell Fire and E.M.S.
10726 Beardslee Boulevard
Bothell, WA 98011
Office: (425) 486-1678

Emergency Management Replies 2012-2013

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Franklin County 2012
On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 11:06 AM,
Ed Bush wrote:

Chris, all info is correct, Sean Davis our EM director reviewed it as well;Thanks/ED

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From SAR 2013
CM Sam Jenkins
to me

The information for Ferry County Search And Rescue Officers is incorrect for President and Vice President- Mike Robinson and Mike Smith are no longer members or officers.

President - C. M. Sam Jenkins 509-207-9123
Vice President - Lee Chavez 509-775-0775
Information Officer- Steve Anthes - 509-779-4117

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Fire Chief 2013
Ken Dubuc Kdubuc@cityofpa.us
4:14 PM (18 hours ago)
to me

Chris –

In the Fire Services portion, the information is incorrect.

In the first box, (above Fire District 1 in Forks) it should be Port Angeles Fire Department, 102 East 5th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362, (360) 417-4650 The Chief is Ken Dubuc

Also, Clallam County Fire District #2 is no longer headquartered on Power Plant Road. They share administrative space at 102 East Fifth Street with the Port Angeles Fire Department.


Ken Dubuc, Chief
Port Angeles Fire Department
(360) 417-4653

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Fire Marshal 2013
Dunaway, Jon
7:38 AM (2 hours ago)
to me

Good morning, Chris.

I can verify that the information for the Clark County Fire Marshal's Office is correct on your web page. Thanks for keeping things updated.


Jon Dunaway
Clark County Fire Marshal/Building Manager
(360) 397-2375 X 4116

Emergency Management Replies 2002-2011

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Walla Walla 2011
Liz Jessee8:30 AM (4 hours ago)
Per your request, here is the updated information for Walla Walla County at h...
Liz Jessee LJessee@co.walla-walla.wa.us
8:30 AM (4 hours ago)
To certvolunteewa, me, Edward, Jim, Harvey, Connie, Heidi, Tawni, Maynard

Per your request, here is the updated information for Walla Walla County at http://ichoosetoserve.net/nims/wa36/wa36.htm:

Walla Walla County
Sheriff’s Office Sheriff John A Turner
Undersheriff Edward L. Freyer
240 West Alder Street, First Flood
Walla Walla, WA 99362
Email: sheriff@co.walla-walla.wa.us
Phone: 509.524.5400
Dispatch: 509.527.1960
Fax: 509.524.5480 Toll Free: 866.527.3268

Walla Walla County Emergency Management Department
Director Jim Duncan27 N. 2nd Ave.
Walla Walla, WA 99362
Email: emd@co.walla-walla.wa.us
Phone: 509.524.2900
Fax: 509.524.2910

Amateur Radio Emergency Service
ARES/RACESEastern Washington Section Manager,
Heidi Hoffer, KC7CCLEmail:
Emergency Coordinator,
Maynard Hoffer,

American Red CrossBenton-Franklin Chapter
7202 W. Deschutes Ave.
Kennewick, WA 99336
Tawni Solberg
Email: emergencyservices@bfredcross.org
Phone: 509.783.6195

Liz JesseeEmergency Management Technician
Walla Walla County Emergency Management
27 N. 2nd Avenue
Walla Walla, WA 99362
Phone: 509.524.2900
(Main)509.524.2902 (Direct)
Mobile: 509.520.2222
http://www.wwemd.info/Emergency Management...
Always Working for a Disaster Prepared and Resilient Community

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Walla Walla 2011
Abbie Van Donge avandonge@co.walla-walla.wa.us
4:04 PM (21 hours ago)to me

Good Afternoon Chris

The Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Office has new contacts and a different fax number. Please update the site to include the following: Sheriff John A. Turner Undersheriff Edward L. Freyer Our updated fax number is 509-524-5480

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns, or please see our website for further information http://www.co.walla-walla.wa.us/departments/SHE/index.shtml Thanks, Abbie VanDongeAdministrative AssistantWalla Walla Sheriff's OfficeOffice: (509) 524-5401Fax: (509) 524-5480Email: avandonge@co.walla-walla.wa.us

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies Edmond Community College 2011

from: Lark Stewart lark.stewart@email.edcc.edu
to: afterdarkportal@gmail.com
date: Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 7:22 AM
subject: Awesome JOB!

Chris, Kudos what an AWESOME job on the after dark portal! Best regards, Lark
Edmonds Community College
Emergency Management Program
20000 68th Ave W
Lynnwood, WA 98036

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies Washington State Univesity 2011

Berrett, Wendy berrett@wsu.edu
10:28 AM (2 hours ago)
to certvolunteewa@gmail.com

This looks good, thank you. The only changes I can see are changing our Director’s last name to Patti Kelly (she got married October ’10) and putting ‘Fax’ before the 509-332-3023 number.

Wendy Berrett
Operations Manager Whitcom 911

Emergency Management Replies 2011

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Walla Walla 2011
On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 3:17 PM,
Patricia Courson
pcourson@co.walla-walla.wa.us> wrote:

Hi Chris,

A couple of links are broken on the first link on this page. South Central EMS Region is http://www.southcentral-emstraumacare.org Walla Walla Walla County EMS is http://www.co.walla-walla.wa.us/Departments/EMS
Also the information on the county sheriff needs to be updated.

Patty: Patty Courson, EMS Director
Walla Walla County
310 W. Poplar Suite 008
Walla Walla, WA 99362
509-524-2701 Office

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From King County 2011
FromBurcham, Shad Shad.Burcham@kingcounty.gov
To"afterdarkportal@gmail.com" afterdarkportal@gmail.com
Date Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 1:51 PM
Subject Changes to Afterdark Portal for King County OEM

Please delete Jeff Bowers and Heather Kelly from the King County OEM employee listing. Please add Bryan Heartsfield as the Assistant Director in place of Jeff Bowers.


Shad Burcham
Emergency Management Program Manager III
King County Office of Emergency Management
3511 NE Second Street
Renton, WA 98056-4192
Office Phone: 206-296-3830
Desk Phone: 206-205-4072
Fax: 206-205-4056

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Cowlitz County 2011
From Laseke, Grover
To Chris Walters afterdarkportal@gmail.com
DateTue, Jun 28, 2011 at 12:14 PM
SubjectRE: Emergency management insert for Cowlitz County ok?

Mr. Walters- The information on the website is accurate for Emergency Management. I did notice that the panel right below includes information on our amateur radio group. You could update that information as follows: Cowlitz County Auxiliary Communications Servicec/o Cowlitz County Emergency Management312 SW First AveKelso, WA 98626360-577-3130

Website: http://www.cowlitzradio.org/

Randy Greeley, Team Leader c/o Cowlitz County Emergency Management312 SW First AveKelso, WA 98626360-577-3130 Please contact me if you have any questions.

Grover Laseke, Director
Cowlitz County Sheriff's OfficeDepartment of Emergency Management
312 SW 1st Ave.
Kelso, WA 98626
(360) 577-3130
Fax: (360) 577-3009
Cell: (360) 751-2901
e-mail: lasekeg@co.cowlitz.wa.us
website: www.co.cowlitz.wa.us/dem

Emergency Management Replies 2011

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Whatcom County 2011
From Doug Dahl
To Chris Walters
Date Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 2:52 PM
subject After Dark info

Hi Chris,

The information you have for Whatcom Unified Emergency Management is incorrect.

I'd prefer if you removed the names of people listed as several of them are incorrect and others may change. Here is our correct contact information:

Name: Whatcom Unified Emergency Management
Address: 311 Grand Ave. Bellingham, WA 98225
Phone: 360-676-6681
Fax: 360-738-2518
e-mail: whatcomunified@gmail.com


Doug Dahl
Whatcom County Sheriff's Office
Emergency Management
311 Grand Ave
Bellingham, WA 98225

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Washington SIEC 2011
From Laura.Kingman@wsp.wa.gov
To afterdarkportal@gmail.com
Date Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 5:25 PM
Subject RE: Hope your public service donation arrived in ok last week?

Thank you Chris,

I forwarded your message to Mr. Komenski.

All my best, Laura

Laura Kingman Special Deputy
Washington State Patrol
State Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC)

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Bellingham Fire Department 2011
From RWilson@cob.org
To Chris Walters afterdarkportal@gmail.com
Date Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 5:59 PM
subject Re: Queston on PSAP research project?

Hi Chris,

The Whatcom County Fire Districts, Fire Departments and DEM information has many mistakes. Too many to correct in this email.

If your willing we can meet here at the Fire/EMS Prospect Communications and we can help you with the corrections.

Thanks, Rob

Robert A. Wilson
Division Chief of Communications
Bellingham Fire Department
1800 Broadway
Bellingham, WA 98225
cell 360.815.1008

Emergency Management Contacts 2010

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Whatcom County 2011
From Doug Dahl DDahl@co.whatcom.wa.us
To Chris Walters afterdarkportal@gmail.com
Date Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 3:54 PM
subjectRe: Queston on PSAP research project?

Here's the current information for Whatcom County Emergency Management:

Whatcom Unified Emergency Management
311 Grand Ave.
Bellingham, WA 98225
360-738-2518 fax
Website: www.whatcomready.org

Deputy Director: Doug Dahl
Doug Dahl Whatcom County Sheriff's Office
Emergency Management
311 Grand Ave
Bellingham, WA 98225

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From King County 2010
Tokarzewski, Rich Rich.Tokarzewski@kingcounty.gov
To publisher thednl2009@gmail.com
cc"Friedman, Robin" Robin.Friedman@kingcounty.gov
"Hall, Melody" Melody.Hall@kingcounty.gov
Date Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 11:10 AM
SubjectRE: Link to King County Emergency Management correct?

Not sure how many of the staff got back to you on the accuracy of the information contained on the sites linked.

The Duty Officer has a 24 hr cell phone number 206-423-6119, yours is incorrect The 296-3830 number to the office is not answered 24 hrs a day. You can leave a message outside of normal business hours or receive instructions to contact the Duty Officer

Maryann Hale is no longer with the office
Lynne Miller is our Media and Communications Specialist 206-205-4031 (desk)
Dee Totten is no longer with the office
Rich Tokarzewski Operations Manager and Hazardous Materials Program Manager 206-205-4066 (desk)
Tony Cebollero Logistics Manager 206-205-4059 (desk)
Barnaby Dow Volunteer and Donated Goods Manager 206-205-4070 (desk)
Tony Lewis Grants Coordinator 206-205-4069 (desk)
Pascal Schuback Technical Operations 206-205-4068 (desk)
Heather Kelly is our Planning Manager her desk phone has not change

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Walla Walla County 2010
From: Liz Jessee LJessee@co.walla-walla.wa.us
To: thednl2009@gmail.com
ccGayla Ernst gernst@co.walla-walla.wa.us
Date Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 11:14 AM
Subject FW: Statewide emergency services link to your homepage?

Walla Walla County Emergency Management corrections to website:

Emergency Management Division should now be Emergency Management Department

Please remove Advisory Council and corresponding link

Please replace Don Marlatt with Gay Ernst (link for Don Marlatt currently goes to our department email inbox emd@co.walla-walla.wa.us which is correct)

Thank you for your assistance.
Lizabeth Jessee
Program Assistant, Emergency Management Dept.
Walla Walla County
27 N. 2nd Avenue
Walla Walla, WA 99362
Phone: 509.524.2900
(Main) / 509.524.2902 (Direct)
Mobile: 509.520.2222
Fax: 509.524.2910
Email: ljessee@co.walla-walla.wa.us

Emergency Management Contacts 2010

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Emergency Management 2010
Dave Hollett DaveH@co.island.wa.us
To Publisher afterdarkportal@gmail.com
Date Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 12:10 PM
Subject RE: Emergency services link to your website ok?


TJ Harmon hasnt been the director of the ISLAND COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT for about 7 years, I have and I dont have a deputy director.

David L. Hollett Director
Island County Department of Emergency Management
P.O. Box 5000
Coupeville, WA. 98239-5000
360-679-7376 (Fax)
360-678-5111, ext. 6000 (Info Hotline)

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Emergency Management 2010
Dave Hollett DaveH@co.island.wa.us
To Publisher afterdarkportal@gmail.com
Date Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 12:14 PM
subjectRE: Emergency services link to your website ok?


I also forgot to mention that I am the Director of ICDEM for unincorporated Island County only. Mark Soptich, Oak Harbor fire Chief, is the director for Oak Harbor and the town of Coupeville and the town of Langley have not hired a director for their DEMs.

David L. Hollett Director
Island County Department of Emergency Management
P.O. Box 5000
Coupeville, WA. 98239-5000
360-679-7376 (Fax)
360-678-5111, ext. 6000 (Info Hotline)

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Emergency Management 2010
From Wantland, Wayne wwantlan@ci.yakima.wa.us
To nims2006@gmail.com
Date Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 8:15 AM
subjectRE: Statewide emergency services link to your homepage?

This is a little complicated because of our set up but:

For the City of Yakima:

Wayne Wantland
Communications Manager
Bus: 509-575-6048
Fax: 509-576-6555

For the 911 Center:
SunComm Emergency Communications Center
Wayne Wantland
911 Director/Coordinator
Bus: 509-248-9911
24-hour Center Bus: 509-457-0207
Fax: 509-576-6555

And add the attached logo for the 911 Center

Thanks Wayne F Wantland
Yakima County / City of Yakima
911 Director / Communications Manager
Tel: (509) 575-6048

Emergency Management Contacts 2008-2010

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From Emergency Management 2010
From John Simpson John.Simpson@seattleredcross.org
To afterdarkportal@gmail.com
Date Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 1:18 PM
SubjectFW: Emergency services directory to ARC ok?


Susan passed this on to me to respond for our Chapter, since I am the Emergency Services Director. Our Chapter name changed in 2003 when we merged with the West Sound Chapter in Kitsap County. Our new Chapter name is: American Red Cross Serving King & Kitsap Counties.

My direct phone line is below, but we prefer to have our main number (206) 323-2345 as the published number, since rolls to our answering service after-hours and those needing our services in touch with the duty Disaster Action Team Captain. This avoids relying on one individual/position and ensures that we respond in a timely manner 7/24/365.

All the best, - John
John C. Simpson Director of Emergency Services
+ American Red Cross
... Serving King & Kitsap Counties
P.O. Box 3097
1900 25th Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98114-3097
( (206) 720-5280 or (360) 377-3761 Ext. 13601
* john.simpson@seattleredcross.org

"There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full." - U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, June 1969

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2008
"Business (EMD)"EMD.Business@mil.wa.gov
To Chris Walters chrissaidthanks2008@gmail.com
Date Dec 11, 2008 11:31 AM
Subject RE: Would you authorize emergency management link your website?


Thanks for your requestyou are welcome to provide a link to our EMD Business Portal on your website but we would request that you dont use any of the graphics or take screen shots from the portal as some of the graphics are proprietary and copyrighted.

We are always happy to increase our user base within the business community. Thanks for your request.

Regards, Wendy Freitag
Special Assistant to the Director - Corporate Relations
Washington State Military Department
Emergency Management Division
Building 20 / MS: TA-20
Camp Murray, WA 98430-5122
Email: w.freitag@emd.wa.gov
Desk (253) 512-7308
Cell (253) 405-9463

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2008
From "John A. Carlson"
To chrissaidthanks2008@gmail.com
Date Dec 2, 2008 9:54 AM
Subject FW: Emergency Communications Portal being updated thanks for corrections


, Skamania County is now being served by the Red Cross Southwest Washington Chapter in Vancouver, WA.
3114 E. Fourth Plain Blvd
Vancouver, WA 98661

Deborah Mills
360-693-5821 x105

Dale Funkhouser
Disaster Services Chairman

Debbie MacLardy
Vice Chairman, Disaster Services

Thank you, John Carlson
Coordinator, Skamania County
Emergency Management

Emergency Management Contrats 2008

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2008
fromJoshua Gibbs gibbsjj@u.washington.edu
toNIMS2006 nims2006@gmail.com
dateFri, Jun 13, 2008 at 2:47 PM
subjectRe: Emergency services to your website ok?


Good luck with the project.

UW Office of Emergency Management:


I don't know anyone in that office.

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2008
From Spencer, Bob B.Spencer@bces.wa.gov
toChris Walters afterdarkportal@gmail.com
dateWed, May 14, 2008 at 6:26 PM
subjectRE: Did emergency management shareware arrive ok?

I received the disks. Thanks!

Robert E. Spencer, C.E.M.
Manager, Benton County Emergency Management
651 Truman Ave.
Richland, WA 99352

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2008
romHarmon, Ronald Harmon.R@portseattle.org
dateMon, Jun 16, 2008 at 11:29 AM
subjectproduct contact with the Port of Seattle

Good morning, I am Ron Harmon, the Emergency Manager at the Port of Seattle. Your e-mail was forwarded to me by Kristine Wuollet. Im confused about you exact intent, but if it is to sell a product, please do NOT send anything to us and contact the purchasing dept. We cannot do business with a direct approach.

Thanks, Ron Harmon

Emergency Management Contacts 2005

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2008
fromSwartz, Dave dave.swartz@weyerhaeuser.com
to"nims2006@gmail.com" nims2006@gmail.com
dateThu, Jun 12, 2008 at 2:09 PM
subjectAfterdark portal


Please strike your email reference to president@fwarc.org or any other email address related to fwarc.org from your web page. We would like to minimize our exposure to SPAM harvesters. It is acceptable to continue having a link to our clubs web site from your web site.

If you would like to do more than just publish a huge list on geocities perhaps you would like to join our web team. We are currently the only D-Star registrar in Washington State and have plans to extend our web presence.

Dave Swartz FWARC

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2008
toNIMS2006 nims2006@gmail.com
dateTue, Jun 17, 2008 at 7:29 PM
subjectRe: Emergency services link to your website ok?

The address for the Fire Chief is incorrect; please delete the reference to 9654 NE 182nd Street, and the 489-4872 phone number.

Also delete the Fire District 16 references from the City of Bothell area; they are not affiliated with Bothell; the city should read Kenmore, zip is 98028.

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2008

From Scott Currie
fromScott Currie ns7c@comcast.net
toNIMS2006 nims2006@gmail.com
ccKirk Bellar n7uk@arrl.net
dateThu, Jun 12, 2008 at 10:36 PM
subjectRe: Emergency services link to your website ok?

Chris, I don't really see where MVARC fits in to your site, so at this time I do not want it linked.

Also, I am the webmaster of the King County ARES site, and I would have preferred you asked permission before pulling my source and images from that site! I would rather you linked to the site for the frequency list instead of copying the source. You are not in our update process, so your site could end up out of date.-Scott

Good Morning Scott Currie: many thanks for your linking information. I believe your organization authorized the link to ARES several years ago and will check the online replies section. Sorry for any misunderstandings and yes the information ages rather quickly.

Chris Waltes, Author

Emergency Management Contacts 2008

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2008

From Richard Conlin
to NIMS2006 cc Phyllis Shulman Phyllis.Shulman@seattle.gov
Date May 30, 2007 6:43 PM
Subject Re: Question on Public Service Donation Emergency Management?

That sounds great. We would love at least two copies!

Councilmember Richard Conlin
Seattle City Hall
600 Fourth Avenue, Floor 2
PO Box 34025
Seattle, WA 98124-4025
(206) 684-8805

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2008
From NIMS2006 nims2006@gmail.com
To bmartin@co.clallam.wa.us,
date Jun 13, 2007 12:09 PM
subject Emergency Management Link question?
Mailed-by gmail.com

Hello Manager Bob Martin PE
Clallam County Emergency Management:
bmartin@co.clallam.wa.us,kblore@olympicmedical.org, pencom911@cityofpa.us

I am updating an emergency services resource page for Clallam County and hope the information listed at this website is correct:

Please let me know if you see any corrections which need to be made.

Many Thanks Chris Walters, Author

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2008

Dear CW

We have received your inquiry and will reply as soon as we can.

Sincerely Chelan County Emergency Management

Reamer, Grace"
To nims2006@gmail.com
date May 31, 2007 2:52 PM
Subject RE: COMMENT: Public Service Donation Emergency Management

Dear Chris Walters,

Thank you for your offer of information about an emergency management infrastructure program. Councilmember Lambert would be glad to review it. She chairs the Law, Justice and Human Services Committee, which has five members and two staff. However, emergency management issues are assigned to another committee - the General Government and Labor Relations Committee, which has three members and three staff. Thanks again for your message, and please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

Sincerely,Grace Reamer
Legislative Aide
King County Councilmember Kathy Lambert
District 3
(206) 296-0331

Emergency Management Contact 2007

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2007
Michele Haughton
Grant County Emergency Management
Desk: 509-762-1462
Fax: 509-762-1465
email: gcem@co.grant.wa.us

The information that you list is correct for Emergency Management, however I do see information that is not correct for two agencies.

Thank you,

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2007
from "Hansen, Bill"
to nims2006@gmail.com
date Nov 28, 2007 3:25 PM
Subject RE: Website Comments from Chris Walters
mailed-by spokanecounty.org

Looks good

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2007
from Vivian Eason
To NIMS2006 nims2006@gmail.com
date Mar 7, 2008 3:23 PM
Subject Re: Are you the Emergency Management Director?
mailed-by co.thurston.wa.us

Kathy Estes, Emergency Management Manager
Vivian Eason, Emergency Management Coordinator
Sandy Johnson, Emergency Management Coordinator

Vivian Eason
Emergency Management Coordinator
Thurston County Emergency Management
(360) 786-5243

Emergency Management Contacts 2007

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2007
Clark County Fire Departments
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 08:35:27 -0700
From: "Kathy Streissguth"
To: chrissaidthanks2003@yahoo.com

This may help update some of your information regarding the fire departments in Clark County. With the exception of the new address for our main station, addresses for the District 12 stations appear to be correct.

Please note: Fire District 1 & 9 have merged to form East County Fire & Rescue.

Kathy Streissguth
Administrative Assistant
Chair - WA Fire Admin Support
911 N 65th Avenue
Ridgefield, WA 98642
360.887.0862 fax

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2007
From: "Steve at SAR"
To: "CAW" chrissaidthanks2003@yahoo.com
CC: "Robinson Mike" MKNDB@rcabletv.com
Subject: Re: Emergency services link to your website ok?
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 14:36:21 -0800

Greetings Chris,

Any links to the Ferry County Search and Rescue website are welcome. For your reference to FCSAR, please replace the picture of the airport with the attached SAR logo.

Thanks Steve Anthes, Information Officer
Ferry County Search and Rescue

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2007
From: "Eric Cunningham (x141)"
To: "'CAW'" chrissaidthanks2003@yahoo.com
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 10:45:55 -0700
Subject: RE: Emergency link to your site correct?

Douglas County Emergency Management
110 NE 2nd Street Suite 200
East Wenatchee, WA 98802
509 884-0941 office
509 886-1045 fax

Eric Cunningham Emergency Management Specialist
Amateur Radio Call sign: KE7DCH

Douglas County Sheriffs Office
110 NE 2nd Street Suite 200
East Wenatchee, WA 98802
509 884-0941 office
509 886-1045
Sheriff Harvey Gjesdal

RiverCom Also, your information for RiverCom is inaccurate. Dennis English is not with them. The Director is Millie Tirapelle - mtirapelle@rivercom911.org
PO Box 3344
Wenatchee, WA 98807
509 663-9911

Eric Cunningham
Emergency Management Specialist
Homeland Security Coordinator
Douglas County Emergency Management
110 NE 2nd Street Suite 200
East Wenatchee, WA 98802
509 884-0941 office
509 668-0218 cell

Emergency Management Contacts 2007

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2007
from "Spencer, Bob"
to NIMS2006 nims2006@gmail.com
date May 27, 2007 8:08 PM
subject RE: Did the new disc work out?
mailed-by bces.wa.gov

Yes it did. Thank you.

Bob Spencer, CEM
BCEM Manager

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2006
from "Quick, Jaime"
to NIMS2006 nims2006@gmail.com
date Apr 16, 2007 12:31 AM
subject RE: Would this project be worth pursuing further?
mailed-by metrokc.gov

Dear Chris,

Thanks for your email again, and for your ongoing work on this project. Updating your site with the according 2007 NIMS updates is a great idea, as things have changed slightly (as I'm sure you know). I conferred with Director Holdeman and while we appreciate your work on this, we don't have the capacity at the moment to review your work, as our staff is very busy with current projects. I would recommend continuing on the project if it interests you, as it is quite a dynamic and interesting field at the moment.

Thanks again, feel free to contact me with additional questions.

Best regards, Jaime

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2007
Fire Marshal
September 14th, 2006
Too: Nims2006@gmail.com

Skagit County Fire Marshal's Office is listed as Fire District No.1 with the wrong address. Our entry should read as follows:

Skagit County Fire Marshal's Office
Dan Cain, Fire Marshal
Kelly Blaine, Deputy Fire Marshal
Fred Wefer, Fire Warden
2911 East College Way, Suite B
Mount Vernon, WA 98273

Emergency Management Contracts 2007

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2007
From Jamie Quick
Too: Chris Walters
Date: August 23rd, 2006

Quick, Jaime to me

Hi again Chris,

Hope this email finds you well. Our office has no objections (and actually thanks you!) for linking to our site. One request we would have would be to list our Director (Eric Holdeman) and general contact information. Diane Newman (Assistant Director) is retiring in 3 weeks, and the staff you have listed may get calls which need to be redirected, so the main contact info may be better.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks again, Jaime

Jaime Quick, Communications Specialist
King County Office of Emergency Management
3511 NE 2nd Street
Renton, WA 98056
Direct: (206) 205-4031
Cell: (206) 786-2800
Pager: (206) 995-0096

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2007

From Jamie Quick
Too: Chris Walters
Date: August 23rd, 2006

From Jamie Quick
King County Emergency Management

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your email. I'm going to run this by a few people here in our office to make sure we are all ok with this, but looks like a good resource. I would suggest that you take a peek at our staff web page, http://www.metrokc.gov/prepare/about/meet_staff.aspx, and see that some of the staff assignments have changed, which would need to be updated on your second link below. (e.g. Kathryn Howard is no longer heading up Homeland Security, Rich Tokarzewski is not filling that role).

I'll be back in touch soon, Jaime

Jaime Quick, Communications Specialist
King County Office of Emergency Management
3511 NE 2nd Street
Renton, WA 98056
Direct: (206) 205-4031
Cell: (206) 786-2800
Pager: (206) 995-0096

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2007

From Jim Rankin, Fire Chief
City of Arlington
6111 "A" 188th Place NE
Arlington, WA 98223
Phone: 360-403-3601

Jim Rankin to me


Thank you very much for the link to the County and State NIMS infrastructure link. What is the process to make any corrections or additions?

Thank you. I will forward any changes that need to be made.

Thank you very much.

Jim Rankin, Fire Chief
City of Arlington
6111 "A" 188th Place NE
Arlington, WA 98223
Email: jrankin@ci.arlington,wa.us

Emergency Management Contacts 2006

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2006
Bonnie Robinson
Mon, Jul 31, 2006 at 11:45 AM
Reply-To: bonnie@northregionems.com
To: NIMS2006 Cc: amanda@northregionems.com, lori@northregionems.com

Chris, I've had quite a few comments from the website. Everyone has been amazed at the excellent information! It also seems most have minor updates. What do you suggest on updates? Highlight the county and then the update?

By the way, I personally really think the website is wonderful! Did you put this together? Good Work - something that's needed to be done for some time!!!

Bonnie Robinson Executive Director
North Region EMS & Trauma Care Council
(360) 428-0404 - Office
(360) 336-9236 - Fax
(360) 708-5943 - Office Cell

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2006
Stephanie Fritts
Wed, Jul 19, 2006 at 9:04 AM
To: Chris Walters

Recd the CD, but have not yet had a chance to look through it. Thank you.

Stephanie Fritts

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2006
Anne Sullivan
Fri, Jul 21, 2006 at 11:57 AM
To: NIMS2006

It did arrive. Thank you. I havent had a chance to look at it yet.

Anne Sullivan
Emergency & Risk Manager
Grays Harbor County
310 W Spruce Street Ste 212
Montesano, WA 98563
360-249-3805 (fax)
360-580-2281 (cell)

Emergency Management Contacts 2005

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

From: "Kihs, Tami"
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2005 11:51:34 -0800
To: chrissaidthanks2003@yahoo.com

Chris -

We received the CD's in the mail in one piece. Thank you for this important effort.

Happy Holidays, Tami

Tamera J. Kihs
Emergency Management Coordinator
City of Vancouver
PO Box 1995
Vancouver, WA 98668
(360) 619-1241

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

From: "Don Marlatt"
To: Chris Walters
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 08:52:32 -0700
Subject: Re: Emergency Management Link?

That would be great, Chris. Thank you.

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

From: "Snodgrass, Keri R."
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 08:40:57 -0700
To: "Chris Walters"
Subject: RE: Emergency Management Link

Not a problem,

Thank you

Keri Snodgrass
Operations Manager
Whatcom County EMS/TC Council
1212 Indian St
PO Box 5125
Bellingham, WA 98227
(360) 715-6418
Fax (360) 715-6492
Web www.whatcomcountyems.com

Emergency Management Contracts 2005

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

From: BFlannelly@cob.org
CC: JBertels@cob.org
Subject: Re: Emergency Management query

To: chrissaidthanks2002@yahoo.com
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 15:02:45 -0700

Hi Chris,

I am forwarding your request to Division Chief Bertels regarding communications. If you need information regarding Emergency Management in Whatcom County, then Don Boyd would be the right person. I'm sorry, I don't have Mr. Boyd's email.

Brian Flannelly
Public Information Officer
Bellingham Fire Department

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

From: "David Delph"
To: chrissaidthanks2002@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: Link to your emergency management website:
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 11:31:15 -0700

It is public information so OK with me and the more people I can get emergency management information out to the better.

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

From: "Tony Brentin"
To: "'Chris W'
Subject: RE: Emergency Management link?
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 08:10:03 -0700

Hi Chris,

We dont mind. Thanks for including us.

Tony Brentin Fire Chief
City of Woodland
Clark County Fire District 2
Fax: 360-225-1201

Emergency Management Replies 2005

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

From: "Nelson, Laurel"
To: "'Chris W
Subject: RE: Auxillary Communications Network
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 10:34:43 -0700

Please call me to discuss this...206-296-3830

Laurel L. Nelson
Operations & Regional
Disaster Plan Program Manager
King County Office of Emergency Management
Department of Executive Services
3511 NE 2nd Street
Renton WA 98056
Desk 206-205-4067
Pager 206-559-4809 Office 206-296-3830
Fax 206-205-4056
Website www.metrokc.gov/prepare
TTY 206-205-7516

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 09:51:57 -0700
From: "Gene Seiber"
To: chrissaidthanks2005@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Question on personnel

Our DEM web site WILL BE off of the following web page once completed. https://fortress.wa.gov/lewisco/ or www.co.lewis.wa.us . It will be under the Sheriff's Office, Services Bureau. Our main office number is 740-1151. If you have any other questions please let me know.

Chief Civil Deputy Gene Seiber
360 NW North Street, MS:SHE01
Chehalis, WA. 98532

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

Date: Mon, 08 Aug 2005 10:45:26 -0700
From: "Tom Dennis"
To: chrissaidthanks2002@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Ok link ARES/RACES

Chris, No problems with the link, hope I got all my spelling errors corrected! :)))TD/KA4VVA

HM- 360-482-8378 E-MAIL- JOHND10496@AOL.COM

Emergency Management Contacts 2005

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

Subject: Re: Ok to link to your ARES homepage?
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 12:54:26 -0700
To: "Chris W"

Chris, Please contact Mark Yordy, W7BBO, in regards to this. His email is w7bbo@juno.com. Thanks for letting me know what is happening. Shirley

Anne Benoist
Program Manager
West Region EMS/TCC
2407 Pacific Ave SE, Ste B
Olympia WA 98501
(p)360.705.9019 or 800.546.5416

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

From: "Phyllis - SW Reg. EMS & TCC"
To: chrissaidthanks2003@yahoo.com
Subject: Updating Emergency Management
Database for Vancouver & SWEMS
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 17:08:08 -0800


Please update our contact information on your website and also under the following six (6) county locations (Southwest Region):

Clark County
Cowlitz County
Klickitat County
Pacific County
Skamania County
Wahkiakum County

Southwest Region EMS & Trauma Care Council
Zita Wiltgen, Administrator
Phyllis Warren, Office Manager
212 NE 83rd Street
P.O. Box 65158
Vancouver, WA 98665
(360) 576-8197
(800) 464-1883
Fax: (360) 576-8485
E-mail: swems@comcast.net

I have marked in red the changes above. We both have and use the same general e-mail address. Please don't hesitate to give me a call at (360) 576-8197 or e-mail, if you have any questions.

Thanks! :-)

Phyllis Warren, Office Manager
Southwest Region EMS
& Trauma Care Council
212 NE 83rd Street
P.O. Box 65158
Vancouver, WA 98665
(360) 576-8197
Fax: (360) 576-8485

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

From: "Don Boyd"
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 09:10:57 -0700
To: chrissaidthanks2003@yahoo.com
Subject: Auxiliary Communications Network Link?

You are welcome to link.

Thank You,
Don Boyd, Deputy Director (Interim)
Whatcom County Sheriff's Office
Div. of Emergency Management

Emergency Management Contacts 2005

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

Subject: RE: Link to WREMS website
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2005 10:24:59 -0700
From: "Anne Benoist"
To: "Chris W"

Hi Chris:

That's fine to list us in EM. However, this is the correct name of our organization: West Region EMS & Trauma Care Council, Inc.

We also will be moving this week and have a new address: 2646 RW Johnson Blvd, Suite 112 Tumwater, WA 98512

Thank you,Anne

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 05:33:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Rich Patrick - KR7W"
Subject: Re: Emergency Management Link
To: chrissaidthanks2002@yahoo.com


Yes, you have my permission to include www.w7dk.org on your website.

Also, under Tacoma Power.... the second Cushman Project link is incorrect. It should be labeled "Nisqually Project".

Thank you, Rich Patrick, KR7W
Radio Club of Tacoma website administrator

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

From: "Gary L & Pam Bryan"
To: chrissaidthanks2002@yahoo.com
CC: "Mike McCoy, N7VWD"
n7vwd@comcast.net BOT@fwarc.org
Subject: Re: Auxillary Communications Device
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2005 22:45:09 -0700


Thanks for the reply. Your initial geocities site callout brought up the Pierce County, 'wa27,' web page. Following a review of your follow-on homepage link, then on to King County, 'wa17,' the potential link to the Federal Way Amateur Radio Club (FWARC) makes much more sense.

You have permission to place a link there to the FWARC website, www.fwarc.org

Gary Bryan, President
Federal Way Amateur Radio Club
Cell: 253-279-3949
Home: 253-661-7882

Emergency Management Replies 2005

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

From: "Judy Jones"
To: chrissaidthanks2005@lycos.com
Subject: FW: Emergency Management Link
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 08:19:25 -0700
alex perez is now chief of police

From: Daryl McDaniel
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 8:15 AM
To: Bob Gregory; Judy Jones
Subject: RE: Emergency Management Link

All appears to be correct except for the Police Chief e-mail. They have Bob Burgreen listed. Daryl McDaniel, Fire Chief City of Longview, WA

From: Bob Gregory
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 7:39 AM
To: Daryl McDaniel; Judy Jones
Subject: FW: Emergency Management Link

Daryl/Judy-please follow through on this and see if we are ok with this.

Bob Gregory
City Manager 442-5004

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 15:14:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Earthquake Information"
To: "Chris W"
Subject: Re: Question about PNSN Feel free to link our page, and send any questions to this address.

Thanks for your interest, Ruth Ludwin, Research Scientist

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

From: "Ed Bruette"
To: "'Chris W'
Subject: RE: Emergency Management Link
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2005 08:22:36 -0700


I don't mind at all. Please let me know if we can help in some way. I did notice an error in the information you've listed for Kitsap Co. DEM. Laura Jull

Public Information Officer
911 Carver Street, Bremerton
Bremerton, WA 98337
FAX (360) 478-9802

73,Ed, N7NVP

Emergency Management Replies 2005

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

From: WW9E@aol.com
Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2005 18:10:16 EDT
Subject: Re: Auxillary Communications System Online
To: chrissaidthanks2002@yahoo.com

Thanks for your help and interest.

God bless you this day.
Patrick E. McPherson
Major National Director SATERN

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

Date: Sat, 09 Jul 2005 10:11:33 -0700
From: "Kirk Bellar"
Subject: RE: ARES of KC Web Message: Emergency Managment Link
To: chrissaidthanks2002@yahoo.com

That's fine, Chris, but one of your links to the King Co. ARES site is actually for Clark Co.

73 - Kirk Bellar N7UK
DEC/RRC for King Co.
H. 206-542-6742 / C. 206-465-2873

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

From: Stephanie Fritts
To: "Chris W"
Subject: RE: Inquiry/Address
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 12:36:20 -0700

Thanks Stephanie

Subject: RE: Emergency Management Link
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 12:02:24 -0700
From: "Dept-of-Emergency-Mgmt"
To: chrissaidthanks2002@yahoo.com

It is.


Emergency Management Replies 2005-2004

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2005

Subject: FAX to Bellevue Fire Department
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 13:40:11 -0700
From: BKroon@ci.bellevue.wa.us
To: chrissaidthanks2003@yahoo.com


I received an e-mail from Nuri Thobani regarding your FAX of yesterday. I understand you've updated Chief Trevio's name in your files, but I'm a little unclear as to any other questions you may have. Please contact me at this address if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Lt. Bruce Kroon
Community Liaison Officer
Bellevue Fire Department
(425) 452-6995 Work
(425) 452-5287 FAX

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2004

Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 06:18 -0700
From: Eileen Ervin
Email: Eileen.Ervin@CO.CHELAN.WA.US

Subject: RE: Question?
To: Chris Certvolunteer

Chelan County Sheriff's Office has absorbed the Chelan Police Department -- so there no longer is a Chelan Police. Law Enforcement for Chelan City Limits would be Chelan County SO -- 509-667-6400.

After July 1, there will be a new communications center in Wenatchee that will handle dispatch for Wenatchee Police, Wenatchee Fire, Chelan County Fire, Chelan Fire as well as all agencies in Douglas County. I don't have a contact number for them at this time.

The contact for Emergency Management is 509-667-6863

for Sgt. Joe Herron 509-667-6863

for 911 Coordinator Eileen Ervin 509-667-6848

Chelan County Sheriff's Office contact number is 509-667-6400.

After July 1, the 911 Coordinator will be at RiverCom -- at this time I do not know who this will be.

Eilln Ervin
Chelan County SO
Emergency Management

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2004

From: firedept@ci.ellensburg.wa.us
From: pubworks@ci.ellensburg.wa.us
From: energyservices@ci.ellensburg.wa.us
From: janeg@esd105.wednet.edu
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 16:26:11 -0700
From: annie.bringloe@co.yakima.wa.us

Subject: emergency management directories
To: chrissaidthanks2004@lycos.com

Dear Chris,

Would you mind giving the Yakima County OEM a little more information on your website. I'm getting a few calls wondering what you are using the information for. You recently requested that Zillah's homepage be a link on your website and they called to see if you were legitimate. Tell me a little more about your project please.

I did see your webpage and thought it looked fine. The Yakima County Office of Emergency Management is now under the direction of Jim Hall by the way.

Thank you in advance for you reply.

Annie Bringloe
OEM Rep.

Emergency Management Contacts 2004

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2004

Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 11:36:49 -0800
From: Dale Kloes

To: certvolunteer@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Question?

Don't mind at all.

Dale Kloes, Program Specialist
Whatcom County Sheriff's Office
Division of Emergency Management
311 Grand Avenue, Suite B-08
Bellingham, WA 98225-4049
360) 676-6681
FAX (360) 738-2518

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2004

Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 08:48:11 -0800
Neil Clement NClement@co.whatcom.wa.us

To: certvolunteer@yahoo.com
Subject: Question?

Your welcome to make the link. I tried to get into your site, however, I couldn't get it to load. If you have further questions, email me directly. Because we didn't know who you were and your subject line was rather vague, we almost summarily deleted your email along with eight or nine others that got deleted first thing this morning. You may want to be more specific in your subject line to avoid having the problem elsewhere. Good luck on your project!

Neil Clement, CEM
Deputy Director
Whatcom County
Division of Emergency Management
311 Grand Avenue
Bellingham, WA 98225
360-676-6681 (voice)
360-738-2518 (fax)

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2004

Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2004 08:44:39 -0800
From: "Henderson, Michael (DSS)

Subject:FW: Question?
To: "'certvolunteer@lycos.com


I support IT among other things at Shoreline Fire. We would prefer you list our contact info as www.shorelinefire.com and our main phone number of 206-533-6500.

We are concerned about the spam that come our way when we have our internal e-mail addresses spread far and wide. Spam is a growing problem for us and it consumes too much of our resources. If someone needs our internal addresses they will find them at our web site.

Sound OK?

Emergency Management Contacts 2004

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2004

Mon, 01 Mar 2004 08:48:30 -0800
From: emwebmaster

Subject: Re: Question?

Looks fine for Thurston County Emergency Management. Thank you.

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2004

Tue, 24 Feb 2004 15:59:57 -0800
From: George de la Fuente

Subject: Re: Question?
Organization: Monroe Fire Department
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com
Reply To: george@monroefire.org

Looks perfect!

George G. de la Fuente
Firefighters of Monroe

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2004

Tue, 24 Feb 2004 14:39:03 -0800
From: Hansen, Bill

Subject: RE: Question?
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

I saw a few errors in several places, let's see if I can remember where they were. Spokane mayor Jim West. Our correct name is: Spokane City/County Department of Emergency Management. Phone: 509-477-2204 Please call me at your convenience, I'd like to assist you in your update.

Bill Hansen

Emergency Management Contacts 2004

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2004

Tue, 24 Feb 2004 13:48:06 -0900
From: Nick Scharff


Unsure of exactly what information you want me to verify but the information listed for Fire Dist 10 is acurate. If I can be of further help Please explain what your question is again and I try again !
Nick Scharff
Asst Chief
Spokane County Fire
Distrct 10

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2004

Mon, 23 Feb 2004 10:07:09 -0800
From: Leslie Hynes

Subject: RE: Question?
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

The information on Snohomish County
Fire District 1 is accurate.

Leslie Hynes
Public Information Officer
Snohomish County
Fire District 1
12310 Meridian Avenue
Everett WA 98208
(425) 551-1243

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2004

Mon, 23 Feb 2004 08:32:38 -0800
From: Glen Staheli

Subject:Re: Question?
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

Info for Burlington Fire Department is AOK


Tue, 17 Feb 2004 08:40:35 -0800
From:Cathrine Kenner

Subject:Re: Question?
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

Here is some corrected information: The population of the City of Shelton is now approximately 8500. The City of Shelton Public Works and Utility Billing is now located at the Shelton Civic Center, along with the Police Department, City Hall and Municipal Court, at 525 West Cota Street.the phone number for Public Works should be 426-9731. For the Shelton Fire Department the e-mail address for general information should be directed to shelfire@ci.shelton.wa.us and the address is 110 West Franklin Street.

Everything else looks great.

Yours is Fire and Life Safety,

Cathrine Kenner
Shelton Fire Department
Phone: 360/432-5164
Fax: 360/427-9438

Emergency Management Contacts 2004

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2004

Wed, 18 Feb 2004 11:21:25 -0800
From:Chris Brown

Subject: RE: Question?
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com
Reply To: brownc@techline.com

Other than the fact you have Elma listed in Mason County when it is actually in Grays Harbor County, the current Mayor is David Osgood and the current fire chief is Ken Evans.

Chris Brown
Dir. of Community Development
Building Official/Fire Marshal
PO Box E
Elma, WA 98541
(360) 482-4482
Fax (360) 482-4960

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2004

Mon, 16 Feb 2004 15:12:43 -0800
From: Stephanie Fritts

Subject: RE: Question
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

Several thoughts

Pacific County and the City of South Bend are not synonymous. The City of South Bend should be removed from the title bar or the cities of Ilwaco, Long Beach, and Raymond added. Your links to ARES are out of date or pointing to something unrelated. I suggest you point to the WA State ARES website. Suggest that you check all of your links - PUD # 2 is also not working. I quit checking at that point. You should consider adding the Ocean Beach School District, to the schools listing as they have the largest school population in the county. Also, the email address for Raymond School District is out of date. We have 8 fire districts in the county, 7 of which could be added. Long Beach Ambulance Service is no longer in business. Please remove my email address from the website. I am getting too much spam to have the address posted. If you would like to construct a form that hides the address that would be fine I know this is hard to do - some of the links on the PCEMA website are currently down and I am working on updating. Good luck!


Emergency Service Directory

Washington State

Replies From
Emergency Management 2004

Tue, 10 Feb 2004 07:49:28 -0800
From: Felczak, Brian

Subject:RE: Question?
To: Banister, Jan


All links are directed to the appropriate sites and look okay to me.
Wed, 11 Feb 2004 16:27:08 -0800
From: Joyce & Gary Fell

Subject:Re: Question?
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com


The link to Jefferson County ARES is correct. Please change the associated email address to: gandj@olypen.com

Gary Fell
Jefferson County ARES
Emergency Coordinator

Emergency Management Contacts 2004

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Thu, 12 Feb 2004 11:11:44 -0800
From: Jody Lynn

Subject: Re: Question
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

The information is accurate - and looks GREAT!! Could you change our organization name to West Region EMS & Trauma Care Council, Inc. and the email address to info@wrems.com - Thank you

Jody Lynn

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Wed, 4 Feb 2004 12:28:35 -0800
From: Mark Soptich

Subject:RE: Question?


The information you have about me is correct.


Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Wed, 4 Feb 2004 13:57:40 -0800
From: Hale, Michelle
Subject:Website information
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

The City of Kent's information is correct in your website.

Michelle R. Hale
Kent Emergency Management
(253) 856-4342 Phone
(253) 856-4119 Fax

Emergency Management Contacts 2004

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Thu, 5 Feb 2004 08:36:48 -0800
From: Colby, Monica

Subject:RE: Question?
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com
Cc: Goetz, Debbie

Mr. Author,
Please the following title to the address:

"Headquarters Station 62"

Please leave the e-mail link only showing "e-mail" but direct it to information@federalwayfire.org

Thank you very much for your dedication to accuracy.

Monica Colby
office: 253-946-7247
pager: 253-333-4286

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Wed, 4 Feb 2004 12:42:47 -0800
From: BGraff@ci.bellevue.wa.us

Subject: Answer to e-mail query
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com
Cc: KGillmore@ci.bellevue.wa.us

In the world we live in today, it really helps to provide a little more information about who you are in your e-mail and the purpose of your project when asking for information about location of fire stations, etc. With that said, all of the information you requested is public information printed in the phone book and I can confirm that the phone numbers are correct. Just a suggestion, for the future.

Barb Graff
Emergency Preparedness Manager
City of Bellevue

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Mon, 2 Feb 2004 08:51:21 -0800
From: Kitsap County EMS

Subject: RE: Question
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com
Cc: Aprilborbon@yahoo.com

The information is correct. Thanx!

Kitsap County EMS
(360) 478-5997

Emergency Management Contacts 2004

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Tue, 20 Jan 2004 12:05:34 -0800
From: Butch Aiken

To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

Hello Chris,

I do the Emergency Management for Asotin County and you sent some information to our Sheriff and County Commissioners in regards to some up dates that you wanted, but what you sent was about Adams County.

I'm not sure what you need.

Butch Aiken
Asotin County DEM

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Wed, 4 Feb 2004 11:11:07 -0800
From: Kirkemo, Lisa

Subject: RE: Question
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

Kitsap Fire District 7's address is:
1974 Fircrest Dr. SE (not NE)

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Tue, 27 Jan 2004 13:58:47 -0800
From: Dave.Sauerbrey@ci.vancouver.wa.us

Subject:FW: Question?
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com


This looks fine to us...

Thanks for the opportunity to review....

Dave Sauerbrey
Fire Marshal
Clark County Fire District 5

Emergency Management Contacts 2004

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Wed, 21 Jan 2004 08:33:58 -0800
From: Yarnes, Laurie

Subject: RE: Many Thanks
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

Clallam County
Emergency Management
Joe Ciarlo Director
223 E. 4th St. Suite 6
Port Angeles, WA 98362

This should update your information.
Thanks, Laurie

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Thu, 29 Jan 2004 10:53:34 -0800
From:Laura Jull

Subject: Website
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

Jeanie Schulze forwarded me your e-mail. I have looked at the information for the Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management. Instead of using ljull@co.kitsap.wa.us. Please use dem@co.kitsap.wa.us. Otherwise, the information is correct. We are the Emergency Management agency for the county and its four cities. Just curious...I see your e-mail address is certvolunteer. Who are you working under?

Laura Jull Public Educator/PIO

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Tue, 20 Jan 2004 08:34:52 -0800
From:Keith Bogues

Subject: Re: Question?

It looks fine.Thanks

Keith Bogues, Training Officer
Port Angeles
Fire Department

Emergency Management Contacts 2004

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Wed, 14 Jan 2004 10:51:56 -0800
From: Sautter, Steve"

Subject:RE: Question?

I presume this is not a government web site, neither sanctioned or sponsored by the state, counties or communities. I did look at the web sites for Benton and Franklin counties. For Benton County, Lorlee Mizell is no longer with the county. Her replacement is Mr. Hans Kwast. His title is Benton County Emergency Services Director. The address for Benton County Fire Protection District One is incorrect (check their web site). The address and phone number for the Benton County 9-1-1 Center is incorrect. There are the same as Benton County Emergency Management.

As an aside, I notice that you intermingle facilities between Franklin and Benton counties. And you list the Richland schools in your Franklin County web site. Richland is located in Benton County.

Thank you
Steve Sautter
Public Information Officer
Benton County
Emergency Services

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 12:25:56 -0800
From: "Yarnes, Laurie"
Subject: RE: Question
To: emprojects@lycos.com

Hello, You sure did a nice job! The Clallam County Sheriff is now Joe Martin instead of Joe Hawe. Naomi WU got married and is now Naomi Riggins. Our web site is Emergency Management. I will have some others look at your work for comments. Thanks, Laurie Yarnes, Clallam County Emergency Management 360-417-2483

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 09:51:49 -0700
From: "Mason, Dennis"
Subject: RE: Question?
To: emprojects@lycos.com

Looks good except for Fire District 14. It does not exist any longer and was annexed by District 12.

Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 14:46:20 -0700
From: Chris Orman

Subject: Ok to link to your homepage?
To: chrissaidthanks2004@lycos.com

We love links!

Thanks for including us.

Chris Orman
Fire Chief
East Valley Fire - Yakima #4

Emergency Management Contacts 2004

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 12:37:48 -0800
From: Tish Watson

Subject: RE: Question?
To: chrissaidthanks2004@lycos.com

We don't mind but our address on the site is incorrect - it should be 4142 Britton Loop, Bellingham, WA 98226.

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Mon, 26 Jan 2004 14:20:37 -0800
From: Eric Cunningham

Subject: Douglas County, WA UPDATE

Chris, Good afternoon! I looked over the website and noticed some incorrect information. First, the contact information to the Apple Valley Red Cross office is wrong.

Correct address: Apple Valley Chapter
12 Orondo Avenue
Wenatchee WA 98801
509-663-9061 FAX

Better yet, to find the websites and contact information to most/all of the Red Cross offices in Washington, check out: http://www.redcrosswashington.org The North Cascades Chapter of Red Cross in Okanogan County serves the northern part of Douglas County, while the Apple Valley Chapter serves the south. The organizations, businesses and agencies listed in the city of Chelan are actually in Chelan County; not Douglas. Your link to the Waterville School District is inactive. Under Research Hospitals, you may want to put Regional Hospitals because Douglas County does not have a hospital Your link to the city of Winthrow is inactive. I do not think one exists

New links:

KPQ AM Radio http://www.kpq.com

City of East Wenatchee

East Wenatchee Police Department

County Road Map

I hope that help..? If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me anytime via email.

Thanks again,Eric

Eric Cunningham
Emergency Management Specialist
Douglas County Sheriff's Department
110 N.E. Third Street
East Wenatchee, WA 98802
509 745-8606 x291 desk
509 745-8806 fax

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Wed, 25 Feb 2004 19:59:07 EST

Subject:Re: Question?
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

Hi Chris

I looked it over but did not click on the link to k7csp. He was our District Emergency Coordinator but resigned last year. I am not sure our DEC would be the right person to contact in the first place. I would imagine your would want someone more local than Yakima, where the current DEC lives. I would put my Name and e-mail address there for now and see where that leads us.

Also, I think this link would be better served if it were closer to the DEM info rather then commercial radio and TV stations because it is through those fine folks that we are activated in most cases for any kind of emergency. And lastly, since you are giving me a chance to ask, please use the entire logo; "ARES/RACES" in all caps, rather than lower case.

If you have any questions please call my cell: 991-3444

Best Regards,
Robert L Wiese
EC Spokane County.

Emergency Management Contacts 2004

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Wed, 25 Feb 2004 08:22:23 -0800
From:Doug Bleeker

Subject:Re: Question?

I took a look at the web page you listed. All of the information on SCFD-9 appears current. Holler if you've got any questions.

Doug Bleeker, Deputy Chief
Spokane County
Fire District 9
3801 E. Farwell Road
Mead, WA 99021
Fax: 509-466-4698

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Wed, 25 Feb 2004 09:40:30 -0800
From: Williams, Bobby



The information for the City of Spokane Fire Department is currently correct. You will have to check with other Fire Agencies individually for their info.

You should know that we are in the process of working to relocate two of our fire stations, so their address will be changing around the end of this year (2004). If you update at the beginning of next year, we should change at that time.

Bobby Williams
Fire Chief
Spokane Fire Department
Office: 509-625-7030
Fax: 509-625-7039

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Tue, 24 Feb 2004 14:41:10 -0800
From:Blystone, Vernon

Subject: RE: Question?


The only thing I would suggest is changing the heading "Spokane Valley Fire Districts" to "Spokane Area Fire Districts." Otherwise my information looks good.

Vernon D. Blystone
Acting Chief

Emergency Management Contacts 2004

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Mon, 23 Feb 2004 14:15:20 -0800
From:Brendan Cowan

Organization: San Juan County DEM
Reply To:brendanc@sanjuandem.net

Chris- in response to your request for current info for San Juan County:

I took a quick look at your web site, and much of it is out of date. Id encourage you to peruse the county web site (www.co.san-juan.wa.us) and our DEM web site at www.sanjuandem.net in order to get the latest info.

Hope this helps
Brendan Cowan
San Juan County DEM

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Fri, 6 Feb 2004 10:53:06 -0800
From:Anne Carlson

Subject:RE: Question?

Correct for Redmond Fire Department Station 11 Headquarters, but if you want the addresses of all our fire stations as you have for Bellevue and Kirkland, here they are:

Station 12,
4211 148th Avenue
NE, Bellevue
Station 13,
8701 208th
Avenue NE,
Station 14,
5021 264th Avenue NE,
Station 15,
4200 228th Avenue NE,
Station 16,
6502 185th Avenue NE,

Anne Carlson,
Administrative Supervisor
Redmond Fire
Department/KCFD 34
8450 161st Avenue NE
Redmond, WA 98052
425) 556-2208

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Mon, 09 Feb 2004 09:46:05 -0800
From: Diana Cull

Subject: Re: Question? -
reply from Bothell Fire

If you'd like to add street addresses,

Downtown Firehouse
is located at
10726 Beardslee Blvd.,
Bothell, WA 98011.
Fax number is

Canyon Park Firehouse
is located at
1620 - 217th Pl SE,
Bothell, WA 98021

Queensborough Firehouse
is located at
330 - 228th St SW,
Bothell, WA 98021

Fire prevention is
9654 NE 182nd St,
Bothell, WA 98011

You should also probably move the FHPB e-mail link under the fire prevention address.

Any other questions feel free to let me know; thanks for your efforts!

Diana M. Cull
City of Bothell Fire & E.M.S.

Emergency Management Contacts 2004

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Thu, 05 Feb 2004 09:47:23 -0800
From:TJ McDonald

Subject: Re: Question?

I can only speak for our organization. A couple items need editing:

Name: Seattle Emergency
Management Section

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Tue, 3 Feb 2004 15:27:19 -0800
From: DaveCarlberg

Subject: RE: Question

Chris; The correct adress and phone number for the Aberdeen Fire & Ambulance Department is:

Aberdeen Fire &
Ambulance Department
700 w. Market St.
Aberdeen, WA 98520
360 532-1254

All of the other information for the City of Aberdeen appears to be correct.

Dave Carlberg, Fire Chief
City of Aberdeen

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Tue, 3 Feb 2004 15:27:19 -0800
From: DaveCarlberg

Subject: RE: Question

Chris; The correct adress and phone number for the Aberdeen Fire & Ambulance Department is:

Aberdeen Fire &
Ambulance Department
700 w. Market St.
Aberdeen, WA 98520
360 532-1254

All of the other information for the City of Aberdeen appears to be correct.

Dave Carlberg, Fire Chief
City of Aberdeen

Emergency Management Contacts 2004

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004

Tue, 3 Feb 2004 14:33:05 -0800
From: Montesano F.D.

Subject:Re: Question?
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

Chris, it might help if you included the insert for reveiw. the link was not helpful

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Tue, 3 Feb 2004 14:01:02 -0800
From: Mary Davis

Subject:RE: Question?

Incorrect mailing address for Emergency Management I forwarded your e-mail to Paul Easter for his reply. Mary

Mary Davis, Manager
Emergency & Risk Management
PO Box 790
Montesano WA 98563

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Mon, 26 Jan 2004 13:06:26 -0800
From: Greg Garcia

Subject: RE: Question?

Please leave out the private ambulance companies form any emergency responses. The Pasco Fire Department is the only Verified 9-1-1 ambulance responder in Franklin County. Chief Garcia

Emergency Management Contacts 2004

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Mon, 26 Jan 2004 12:28:49 -0800
Subject:RE: Question?

To: certvolunteer@lycos.com
Cc: Doug.Smith-Lee@clark.wa.gov

It appears to be current and accurate, with the exception that it doesn't list the many Fire Districts in our county. It lists the city fire departments, but there are many more fire districts than there are cities. To obtain that information, please contact Doug Smith-Lee at Clark Emergency Services Agency. His e-mail address is smith-lee_doug@co.clark.wa.us

Don Bivins, Fire Chief
Vancouver Fire Department

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Thu, 15 Jan 2004 15:40:14 -0800
From: Patty Courson

Subject: Up-dating Emergency List

You've got the wrong address for BC#1. It's 144610 E. Law Ln. Kennewick, WA 99338 and the phone number is 509-734-9100. Did want BC #2 and BC #4 also? Patty Courson Director of EMS Benton-Franklin Co.

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
From: Ron Caster

Subject: RE: Question?
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

The following information needs to be changed for the Washougal Fire Department:

Change the name to Washougal Fire & Rescue. The first phone number listed needs to be removed. Our fax number is now 360-699-4859.

Thank You, Ron Caster
Fire Chief,
City of Washougal
1400 A Street
Washougal, WA 98671
(360) 835-2211

Emergency Management Contacts 2004

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Wed, 7 Jan 2004 08:52:38 -0800
From:Jay Weise

Subject: Update

To whom it may concern;

Regarding the following e-mail

Here is the requested change:
Emergency Management
2069 W. Hwy 26
Othello, WA 99344
Contact: Jay Weise

Thank You

Jay Weise
Adams County Sheriff's Office
Emergency Management Coordinator
2069 W. Hwy 26
Othello, WA 99344
(509) 488-2061
FAX - (509) 488-2771

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Tue, 27 Jan 2004 08:22:03 -0800

Subject: Re: Question?

I cannot speak for the other agencies listed on the page, but our information is incorrect. Tom Griffith's title is Director, and our agency name is Clark Regional Emergency Services Agency. We provide 911, and Emergency Management, EMS, and radio communications services, not just 911.


Deborah Needham
Emergency Management
360-737-1911 Ext. 3962
Clark Regional
Emergency Services Agency
710 W. 13th Street
Vancouver, WA 98660-2810
Fax 360-694-1954

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Tue, 27 Jan 2004 12:57:34 -0800
From:Batchelor, Cathy

Subject: RE: Question?

Chris-Some of the information is correct is some is not. It should be:

Cowlitz County Department
of Emergency Management
312 SW 1st Ave
Kelso, WA 98626
Trudy Winterfeld, Director
360-577-3009 (fax)
Cathy Batchelor
DEM Coordinator

Emergency Management Contacts 2004

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004

Mon, 26 Jan 2004 19:43:05 -0800
From: kc7jnj@arrl.net

Subject:Re: Question?

Hello thanks for asking... The real guy to ask is Salivator Spagnole ka7zdl@msn.com .... I myself think it looks good. You could add the ARES/RACES phone number 509-741-9944 folks can hear what is coming up and folks can leave a message for the staff. If you can not reach Sal please let me know... I will get ahold of him for you.TTYLAl

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Tue, 27 Jan 2004 15:01:07 -0800
From: dahlr@ci.woodland.wa.us

Subject:Re: Question?
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

Looks fine. Thanks
Thu, 29 Jan 2004 12:40:25 -0800
From:Ron McAffee

Subject: Re: Question
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com
Cc: Phyllis Mann

Hello Chris... Please change your insert for the Kitsap County 911 Coordinator to remove my personal email address. The organization address and telephone numbers are OK, but we don't use personal email addresses on web sites like the one you sent... Thank you...

Ron McAffee, Director
Kitsap County CENCOM (911)
Office: 360-616-5800
Fax: 360-792-5982

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2004
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 11:40:46 EST
From: KD7AMV@aol.com

Subject:Spokane ARES/RACES info
To: certvolunteer@lycos.com

Good morning everyone

I am writing to let you know that there is a new URL for the Spokane Washington State ARES/RACES web sight. You will need to make that change to the links that each of you have access to or pass this info on to those people that can make those changes. It is as follows:


Many thanks to our web master/slave, Randal Jones for putting this together for us.

73 Robert L. Wiese.
EC, Spokane County

Emergency Management Contacts 2002

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2002

To: Chris W
Fri, 1 Nov 2002 15:55:01 -0500

Thanks for the opportunity to review the progress on your webpage for the counties of FEMA Region X. Please feel free to create a link to the U.S. Fire Administration's Critical Infrastructure Protection Center at: http://www.usfa.fema.gov/dhtml

Best wishes for much success with your endeavor.

Samuel R. Lombardo
USFA Critical Infrastructure
Protection Information Center
16825 South Seton Avenue
Emmitsburg, MD 21727
(301) 447-1325

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2002
From: Williams, Bobby

Subject: Your e-mail
Wed, 30 Oct 2002 13:07:47 -0800

Please be advised that part of the information that you provided for the Fire Department and the City of Spokane are incorrect. Specifically, the phone number for the fire department is 509-625-7000. You have City Manager listed. The City of Spokane no longer has a City Manager form of Government. We have a strong mayor form of government. The telephone number that you listed is not correct.

Bobby Williams
Fire Chief
Spokane Fire Department
Work (509)-625-7030
FAX (509)-625-7039

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2002
From: Leslie Hynes"

To: Chris W
Subject:RE: Link to your homepage
Tue, 29 Oct 2002 15:10:21 -0800

That's fine to list our link. I noticed we are listed under Snohomish County, but we aren't really a branch of county government -- we're a special purpose district that provides fire and EMS to the unincorporated areas of south Snohomish County. There are several other fire districts which serve other inincorporated areas of the county.

If you need more information, please let me know.

Thanks, Leslie Hynes
Public Information Officer
Snohomish County
Fire District 1
(425) 551-1243

Emergency Management Contacts 2002

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2002
From: Roger Serra

To:Chris W
Subject:RE: Link to your homepage
Wed, 30 Oct 2002 08:16:19 -0800

Chris, Need to change the address of our department. Our new address and phone number are:

3509 - 109th St SW,
Everett, WA 98204
Phone: 425-423-7635
Roger Serra

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2002
From: Deputy J.E. Robinson

To: Chris W wavocrehab@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: Ok to link to your homepage?
Tue, 1 Oct 2002 15:57:04 -0700

Chris, The Emergency management website has moved and can now be located at


They have recently been placed under the Sheriff's Office and so their website. Please, feel free to link it to your home page.

Regards, Deputy J.E. Robinson
Mason County Sheriff's Office

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2002
From: Karin Frinell-Hanrahan

To:Chris W
Subject: RE: Question
Mon, 26 Aug 2002 10:27:52 -0700

We have several radio stations and a few cable stations that broadcast from Grays Harbor County, but no local TV stations like KIRO or KING. Most are independent or through Coast Access.Our public alert radio station is KXRO 1320 am with support from the other local radio stations out of Thurston and Lewis Counties.I hope that this helps, please contact me if you have further questions or if I can be of further service.

Karin Frinell-Hanrahan
GHCo Department
of Emergency Management

Emergency Management Replies 2002

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2002
Subject: Re: Ok to build link
your homepage?
To: wavocrehab@yahoo.com

Mon, 30 Sep 2002 15:42:19 -0700

Dear Chris,
Yes, it is ok. Thank you for asking.

Ellen McCraney
IT Specialist
U.S. Department of Energy
Seattle Regional Office
800 Fifth Ave. Suite 3950
Seattle, WA 98014
Direct:: 206.553.2167
Fax: 206.553.2200

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2002
Wed, 25 Sep 2002 11:49:22 -0700
From:Laura Jull

Subject:Ok to link to your homepage?

Hi Chris,
No, I certainly don't mind our department appearing on your website. A couple of corrections should be made. We need to have kitsapdem.org be the site that Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management links to. Also, our phone number should be changed to 616-5870. Another correction is that Harrison Hospital is l ocated at 2520 Cherry Avenue. Thanks for the link.

Laura Jull
Public Educator/PIO

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2002
From:Rider, Dave (EMD)

To: wavocrehab@yahoo.com'"
CC: Egan, Terry (EMD)
Subject:Ok to link to your site?
Fri, 30 Aug 2002 07:48:08 -0700

If you are asking permission to link to our site, of course you may. The only stipulation is that you may not imply any endorsement of your site or products or services mentioned on your site. Comments on your site:

1. Your layout is clean and easy to follow. A good habit to develop from the start.

2. Coming from the government perspective, we tend to be very conservative in that we are required to be accessible to virtually everyone. This generally means few, if any, animated graphics;

3. Reverse coloration - that is black (or other dark colors) background and light or white colored text tends to be frowned on;

4. Generally, the headline tab for text is reserved for the page title. Other text on the page should be sized with font size descriptions. Some browser have trouble interpreting and positioning text if headlines are used throughout a page.

5. Are you using software to generate the HTML or hand-coding? It appears you have some unnecessary repetition in your coding. This could be from the software. Not a biggy, just something to be aware of.

6. Finally, remember to spell check and usage check everything before it gets posted to the Web.

Best of luck. It's a good and fun field to get into if you've the aptitude and stick-to-itiveness that it takes.

David B. Rider
Webmaster & Logistics
Emergency Operations Section
Response & Recovery Unit
Fax: 253-512-7203
Email: d.rider@emd.wa.gov
Washington Military Department
Emergency Management Division
Building 20, M/S: TA-20
Camp Murray, WA 98430-5122

Emergency Management Contacts 2002

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2002
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 17:56:43 -0700 (PDT)
From:"Earthquake Information"

To: wavocrehab@yahoo.com
Subject:PNSN website link

You may link to any of the pages we offer FYI - you may also like this site: http://www.wa.gov/wsem/

Thanks for your interest, Ruth Ludwin, Research Scientist

Pacific Northwest
Seismograph Network (PNSN)
University of Washington
Dept. of Earth and
Space Sciences,
Box 351310
Seattle, WA 98195-1310

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2002
From: Cosgrove, Steven W NWS

To: Chris W wavocrehab@yahoo.com,
Subject:Ok to link to your Homepage?
Tue, 17 Sep 2002 10:10:54 -0500

Hi Chris - Please do! For emergency management, I'd suggest that you link directly to the Seattle District Emergency Management Office at http://www.nws.usace.army.mil
/em/index.html from there you'll find a contact list, flood fight info, etc. You might also consider a link to our Regulatory Branch's news, updates and information at: The Reservoir Control Center at our Hydrolics and Hydrology site is also much in demand: http://www.nwd-wc.usace.army.mil/nws/hh/ If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.- Steve Cosrove

Emergency Service Directory

Washington State
Replies From
Emergency Management 2002
Subject:Ok to link to your homepage?
Thu, 12 Sep 2002 13:35:49 -0700

From: Stephanie Marquis
To: Chris W

Sure, Thanks!