Kalispel Indian Tribe
Tribal Public Safety Department
James S. Wynecoop Director
3292 N. Leclerc Rd
Cusick, WA 99119
Phone: (509) 445-1785
Phone: (509) 447-7287
Pend Oreille County Radio GroupShannon Mossman, W6SPY, President,
2 Meter Repeaters
Cooks Mountain, Newport WA 147.12+ PL100.0
Fairly high level repeaters reaches most of Pend Oreille County and a large part of Boundary County in Idaho.
Diamond Lake, Newport WA 146.900- PL 100.0
GMRS Repeaters
Diamond Lake 462.550+ PL141.3
Cusick/Usk 462.725+ PL 77.0
Cooks Mountain 462.675+ PL141.3
Priest River 462.725+ PL141.3
Press On Image For Details
Northeast Tri County Health District
Sam Artzis, MD.Health Officer
Matt SchanzAdministrator:
240 East Dominion
Colville, WA 99114-0270
(509) 684-1301
Fax: (509) 684-1002