City of Oakesdale
Mayor Dennis Palmer
P. O. Box 246
105 N. First
Oakesdale, WA 99158
(509) 285-4020
(509) 285-6100 FAX
Town of Garfield
Mayor Jarrod Pfaff
W 405 California
PO Box 218
Garfield, WA 99130
(509) 635-1604
Fax: (509) 635-1201
Town of La Crosse
Mayor Randy Camp
107 S Main
PO Box 228
LaCrosse, WA 99143
509) 549-3330
Fax: (509) 549-3330
Town of St. John
Mayor John Webb
Front St
PO Box 298
St. John, WA 99171
(509) 648-3905
St John City Water Dept
21 E Front St,
St John, WA 99171
(509) 648-3905